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Hey! I'm writing opinions on opinions! ;3
(Who can guess the reference)
So opinions a way humanity wishes to express their feelings towards something
But come on get real it's 2016 it turns into a FLUFFIN' debate.
Like this kid in my chemistry class today just shouted at the class, "WHO WANTS BRITAIN TO STAY IN THE EU?!"
...bad decision
Soon the whole class was divided into separate groups about if our country should stay or not. I felt so sorry for the student teacher as she stood their helplessly as a bunch of bratty kids scream at each other about the European Union

I was in the middle like \(-_-)/
Opinions are great and everything but couldn't these angry teens be a bit more...uh...calm.
Because I swear to God if I hear one more girl get angry over some kid who doesn't like one direction I will go the other direction........

...off a cliff

So when people ask for my opinion on something I usually just opt out given their enthusiasm towards the subject. As I acted ignorant today towards the EU debate. When I wasn't and I knew half the stuff these kids were saying was absolute bullshit. Like I'm serious, tables were flipped, pens thrown and water spilled. I'm surprised some sort of killing spree didn't happen.

Let's have a democratic shit storm

Britain stay in the EU

Britain leave the EU
Give reasons but remember this is just the Internet so don't get too enthusiastic

Also give me a topic to talk about next because I'm not creative enough to come up with my own ideas HAHAHAHAHAH.......HA.......Ha........ha

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3

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