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     Taylor's P.O.V:

Willow Rose Ava.

How is she here? I made sure that no one would see me, and yet here she is.
I cautiously look at her to see her smiling at me. "Hello there!"

I was startled by her immediate greeting. I timidly answered, "H-hi there..?" It sounded more like a question than a polite response.

"Why weren't you in class after recess?" She asks.

"I, I, uh.. I had to go home." Lame excuse, I think to myself.

She replies, "Oh... What's your favorite color?" What? She didn't ask why I had to leave? I've never had that reaction - everyone else keeps asking why until I can't hide it anymore. Willow is different, but a good kind of different.

I guess I should answer her. "Um, blue I suppose. H-how about you?" "Purple! Why is yours blue?"

I tell her it just is, but really that's not the whole truth.

We talk back and forth like that until I reach my house. I suddenly realize that I kept her from walking to her house!

"Oh, this is my house. I forgot that you were walking home too, I'm sorry!" I say. She excitedly replies, "Oh, mine is across the street. I guess we're neighbors!" That's pretty coincidental.

"Oh, OK... Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" Again, another question-sounding sentence from me. She nods her head, waves and starts to run towards her house. Then she stops.

"Hey, do you wanna be friends?"
That sentence stops my heart. Friends? We just met! Does she really wanna be my friend? Hesitantly, I reply, "S-sure, if you want to. Only if you want to though."

"I definitely want to! OK, bye!" She disappears into her house. I see her mother; they look just the same except her mom has short hair. Mrs. Ava, I'm guessing by Willow's name, waves and I wave back. She closes the door.

Something new happened today.

I made a friend.


Willow's P.O.V:

Today was fun!

In Mrs. Agathine's class, we did our spelling pretest, which I only missed one: the word
"raindeers".. or "reindeer", I guess. I still don't get why the plural and singular forms are the same!

After that, the bell rang for recess! I love recess because I get to see Lacey, my second best friend. She is in a different class than my first best friend, Mae, so I only see her at breaks.

We play together a little while. I see Talyor Jasper Bellerose start walking to the restroom and my friends catch me staring: "Ooooh, does Willow have a crush on that boy?" "Yeah, I think so!"

"Stop! I don't have a crush on Taylor!" I pretty much scream... which the whole playground heard. Some of the other kids laugh and I start to blush. My friends embarrassed me in front of everyone and now they think i'm weird!

I run to the bathroom before they can see me start crying. I hear some boys making fun of someone, but I can't let them see me crying; fortunately, they move to the room next to the boys' bathroom so they won't notice me.

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