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You know that feeling of nervousness and excitement? Like, you feel butterflies in your tummy, but you also feel your breakfast coming up and you're not quite sure which one will win? Yeah. That feeling. 

That's the only way i could describe myself right now- I'm so excited to see Willow, but what if she doesn't want to be friends anymore?! I don't think I could stand that, honestly; she's my only companion. 

As soon as we get in the car, I start planning what I was going to say. "I missed you!" Too clingy.  "Hey, wanna hear a joke?" Too cheesy. "Her girl!" ... Too gay. How about, "Hey, how are you?" Casual, not too clingy. Good enough.

Getting out of the car, I step on my shoelace and almost fall on my face, but luckily, I catch myself right before that happens. 

"Hey, omg, are you okay?" Great, Willow saw.

"uh-hum, yeah, I'm okay." She helped me up and immediately gave me a hug. I say what I planned to, and she replies, "Good, how are you?" "Good," I reply. We keep up conversation until the bell rings. 


The next few weeks go smoothly; school easily passes by without conflict, my friendship with Willow is growing, and I generally just feel content. 

So, naturally, something (or someone, rather) obviously comes and messes it up.

One day at school, Willow seems off. Is it me? No, I don't think so: yesterday we were just fine, and I haven't talked to her since. Something must have happened in that time.

I try to ask Willow about it, but she replies with thinks like, "Oh, I'm fine," or, "Just tired." I brush it aside, but make a note in my mind to figure it out later somehow. Instead, I keep talking to keep the conversation light. 

A little later, some girl whom I recognize to be one of the most popular in our grade struts towards us and I notice Willow's eyes seem glazed with anxiety for a second, but she plays it off as the girl gets closer.

"Hey Willow," she sneers. "Wanna come and hang out with us today?" 

"Um, sure, Serina. Let's go, Taylor." Serina looks shocked. "Um, I didn't invite him, did I? No, so either you come alone or I'll make fun of you for the rest of the year and until we finish elementary." 

One look at Willow and I could tell she was distraught about choosing between being bullied and being with her friend. I nod, signaling that she should go. She looks at me, and I still show that I was okay with her leaving, even though I was a little upset about loosing my only friend. What was I supposed to do, stand up for myself? 

Willow just gives a sheepish look and walks off with Serina. What a way to change the tone of things.


A/N: Thanks to anyone who is sticking with me, I do have a plan for this story and I haven't forgotten it. : )

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