
7 0 1

A/N: AYYYYY 6 is my lucky number. Ok bye.


Tick. Tick. Tick. The clock's second hand clicks away as I continue to count each tock. Tick. 17,998... Tick. 17,999... Tick. 18,000. 18,000 seconds, which is 300 minutes, which amounts to 5 hours. Five long, boring, uneventful, drawn-out hours.

So far, the two weeks that have passed have been just that. The only thing I can think about is Willow. Is she okay? Is she sick? Is she having a good time? She's probably found someone else: someone better than me. I wouldn't be surprised. I'm just a bundle of awkward and useless and helpless and...

I guess i'll find out in a week. But for now, I wait. and wait... and wait.

Tick. One...


I'm running. Running from what, though? From responsibility, from school, from my life. I'm just running. Someone - no, something calls my name: "Taylorrrr..." I look behind me and-

Huh? Oh. It was a dream.

"Did you hear me, young man? I said wake up! You're gonna be late for school."

I open my eyes to find a slightly frustrated mother. I look at the clock; it reads 7:15. School starts at 7:50! I jump up and start getting dressed immediately.

"Now that's more like it. Meet me downstairs in five minutes for breakfast." "Okay" I reply, looking for a clean sweater at the same time.

Eventually I find my baby blue Harry Potter one and replace my pajama top with it. That's one thing I love about winter: I can wear sweaters every day without anyone thinking anything of it.

I finish getting dressed and grab my backpack to shove my sketchbook in it as I descend the stairs. Breakfast today is a bowl of cereal and a single piece of bacon; I chow down without tasting or thinking about what I was eating and rush to put my blue, beat up Converse -my favorite shoes- on.

Mom grabs her keys and appears at the front door. "Ready that fast?" She asks. I simply nod and head out to the car.

I guess you could say I was anxious to start the day.


Yet another update... It's been a while.

ANOTHER THING!!!! My birthday is the 28 this month! I'm gonna be 15? Already? I grew up so fast...

Anyway, this is a short chapter. Deal with it. Bye ❤️

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