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"Oh, come on!" Abraham yelled, making Dahlia and Rick come back up to the front again, Carl looking over their shoulder.

"We make our stand?" Sasha asked, the question either for Dahlia or Rick.

"I say we end it," Carl suggested.

Rick looked to Dahlia, to see what she wanted and the woman shook her head, "They're waiting for us. They're geared up and ready for a fight, Rick. It's five on about sixteen men. It's suicide."

Rick nodded, looking back at Carl, "We're gonna play it our way, how we want it. Right?"

Carl nodded, "Right."

"Alright," Dahlia placed a hand on Abraham's shoulder, "Go slow."

As they began to drive away, The Saviors began teasing them with gunshots that echoed into the vastness of the surrounding woods. Dahlia sighed, going into the back to check on Maggie. Maggie was sound asleep, her breath now evening out and her shivering stopped.

"She's gonna be okay," Dahlia said, absolution in her voice as she turned around to see Rick standing there.

He nodded, "I'm betting on it."

Dahlia walked up to him, wrapping her arms around him, "She's gonna be fine." Rick placed a hand on the back of Dahlia's head, his finger getting tangled in her hair as she continued, "Her and Glenn are going to raise that baby and be amazing parents. She's going to hate the crying and the diaper changing but she's going to get used to it, right?"

Dahlia took her head away from Rick's chest, looking up at him. He stared back at her before nodding, "Right."


After driving a different direction to get to the Hilltop for a while, Dahlia went up front to talk to Abraham and Sasha while Rick and Aaron were laughing in the back and Carl was teaching Eugene about managing a weapon.

"Same outfit, different soldiers," Dahlia said, talking about the second group of Saviors they had run into, "They've got numbers but keep driving, we're gonna get her there."

"We will," Sasha agreed as Abraham stopped the RV. In front of them was a herd of walkers. Dahlia called Rick up to the front to see what was going on, "We'll clear it."

As the group exited the RV, the walkers looked to be chained together, like someone placed them there on purpose.

"Rick," Dahlia said, looking at one of the zombies, it was wearing Michonne's vest and one of her dreads were hanging on the walker's head.

"That's Daryl's," Sasha pointed to the arrows sticking out of one of the walker's chest. Before the group could start getting rid of the walkers, gunfire started up out of nowhere, the group scourring to find cover. Dahlia grabbed Carl, pushing him into the RV and out of harm's way. The rest of the group piled into the RV, taking off as quickly as they could. As they were driving, a weird sound started up in the back of the vehicle, "What's that sound?" Sasha asked.

"The undercarriage could've caught a bullet," Eugene explained, reloading his gun.

"It could be nothing," Abraham spoke up.

"They were firing at our feet," Dahlia silenced everyone, looking up at Rick from where she was sitting.

Rick looked out the window, "They blocked the roads-"

"But they weren't trying to stop us," Dahlia finished for him, "They want us in this direction." Everyone stayed silent as her words settled into their minds because she was right. If the Saviors really wanted to cut off their journey, they could've but they didn't, they just gave them a hard time.

"Barton Road takes us North," Sasha confirmed, looking at the map, "We're down to a third of the tank, Rick. One more stop but no refills after that."

"Alright," Rick nodded.

"Dahlia, Rick," Aaron called the two. They followed him into the back, where Maggie was still sleeping. "She's burning up," Aaron said, worry in his voice, "We need to get to the Hilltop soon."

"Guys!" Abraham called form up front and the two went to see what he needed. Down the road, about 70 soldiers stood, some on the ground and some on top of their cars.

"Go back," Rick advised and Abraham looked at him. "Where?"

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