♪ Chapter 37 ♪

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  "Ariel, Evangeline!" Veronica exclaimed with tears rolling down her face.

It was Wednesday, a day before Thanksgiving and the taxi just dropped them off in front of Ariel's parents house. Evangeline ran to her grandparents and they gave her a bunch of a kisses and a long hug, realizing how much they've missed hugging their granddaughter. 

"Hey mom." Ariel greeted, it felt good to be home. Veronica embraced her tightly and kissed her cheek, she was overwhelmed right now to have her daughter and granddaughter home for Thanksgiving. 

"Come on, let's get you two settled in." said Leon, grabbing their bags. 

The house smelled like apple cinnamon candles, cleaning products and food baking in the kitchen. 

"Where's Andy?"

"He's on tour," Ariel replied. "but he says happy Thanksgiving."

"He's been on tour for a while, hasn't he?" Leon interrogated.

"He has but they just released a new album so they're promoting it." Ariel sat down on her parents chocolate brown couch and exhaled exhaustively.

"How's the California life?"

Ariel looked at her father and smiled, he always did ask a lot of questions so he could decide if she was truly okay.

"Different but good. I got an apartment, Evangeline is in school, but I'm having a hard time getting hired somewhere. But Andy is helping me financially."

"And he should, Evangeline is his child too and you're the mother of his child. He should break his back trying to help you."

Ariel rolled her eyes, that was the man she knew all of her life. So caring towards everybody and very worried for his only daughter. According to her brother, Leon was a nervous wreck in the waiting room while Ariel was having Evangeline and since then he's been more protective than he was before she was pregnant.

"He's helped a lot, dad."

"Good, because I will fly to wherever he's at and have a nice long talk with the boy."

"Kendall was very excited when I told him you were flying in."

"I bet he was acting." Ariel laughed but she knew that Kendall was probably excited to see her and Evangeline. Kendall was and always will be a protective brother and a protective uncle.

"Evangeline, would you like a cookie?"


Veronica looked at Ariel, if she wasn't here she would give Evangeline without permission. 

"What kind is it?"

"Chocolate chip." Veronica replied.

"Just one but she can't have anything with peanuts, mom!"

Veronica and Leon had puzzled looks on their faces.

"Why not?"

"She's allergic to them. I didn't want to tell you and have you worry yourselves sick, but she had an allergic reaction and had to go to the ER."

"Get rid of anything with peanuts, honey." Leon ordered. He didn't want that to happen again, he wouldn't be able to witness it. His heart would ache painfully. He loved Evangeline with his being, he loved his family dearly. He would take a bullet for his wife, daughter, son and granddaughter any day without hesitation. He didn't like that Ariel lived across the country now but she and Evangeline seemed happy there and he was happy if they were. But he did worry about one thing, or one person, and that was Andy. Leon hoped that he wasn't playing with Ariel's and Evangeline's heart, because if he was. Leon would hunt Andrew Biersack down.  

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