Peanut Allergy

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P.S before you read I didn't bother editing this very well I'm to lazy.

  Peanut Allergies suck. Like you don't even know. People cry in elementary school because they never got a sucker from the teacher. News flash I never get a sucker from the teacher. Unless the are a good teacher that has a peanut allergy.
  I can list candies and crap I've never had before.
-Almost every thing from DQ
-oh Henry
-Milky Way
-crispy cream
-jelly filled donut
-mr big
And much more.

  I have had a wonder bar it was terrible. I threw up. I remember the first Halloween my mom called her friend who has a son with and allergy and made a list of the crap I can't have.

   It sucks. When you are at party's and you can only have fruit. Not even cake.
   I hate people who don't understand who follow you around half the day hoping you can't have something so their fat body can eat it. And when you say you can't have something and some FA in the back is like "I will eat it!" Do you know what I do I march up to the garbage and throw it in. One time it was eaten out of the garbage.

  Carrying around an Epipen every where is so annoying. When I was little I had to wear a fanny pack.  

   My greatest acne covered enemy made fun of me for that but that's a puss filled story for another time.
   I have some party trash at school later they said there will be food every one licked their lips but me because it guaranteed to have nuts. [edit it did] Even though I said I can't have any thing with peanuts in it they don't seem to understand reading labels.
  Some ass in my class is like why do people with allergies live I would of killed myself long ago. Well you are a weakling then. And
  One time at school they were handing out bannock and I couldn't have it so the teacher gave me Pixie Stixs and all the other kids are like no fair and trying to steal them going please can I have just one. Like back off I only got one pixie stick and it was the small ones. Life is unfair.

  Another time I was in some cooking thing at school and I had to cook tree bark crap and in the video I had to break it up and be like come get it girls. But no couldn't because it had peanuts so, I was just awkwardly standing on the side and I heard some girl that always bullied me laugh.

   I can't even explain the reaction feeling. Anyone with an allergey I feel you. And I understand some people have way worse allergies then mine.

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