Not Normal

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  My whole life I have been told I'm "Not Normal" 😤 (fake names are being used in this rant)

  When I was in grade 1 I seen some girl named Bell I thought she was so gr8 but you know now that I look back I regret trying to be her friend cause she wasn't a really good friend to me. She had this best friend who hates me she still bugs me to this day :/. I will say her name is B!TCH well she was a jerk and she was like only the cool kids go to day care (lies) and I never really took her seriously. But I would always try to hang out with Bell and she would interfere she would say I was not cool enough or ditch me. I cried over it a bit. Along comes grade 2 I'm in Bells class and      B!TCH is in the other class and >BAM< she is my best friend but when B!tch is around she wasn't. She invited me to her birthday party and she kicked me out of her room along with my sister and my other friend I will call GHOSTBUSTERS well ghostbusters never turned on me so met sister and ghostbusters played bike to Costco down stairs (I stupid game we made up)  Bell always apologized for that incident but I never forgave her.

  I was always picked on for having puffy hair and messy AF hair and I think that's part of the reason I don't really like long hair. I was picked on and everything like all kids.
(This probably makes no sense but I'm just typing random stuff from my childhood)
In grade three Bell was my friend again because B!tch wasn't in her class. I was sitting with her for computers and she made me laugh causing me to get moved beside someone else my ol friend from soccer so we caught up on old times and became friends she replaced Bell and she is still my friend now unlike most people. Like Bell would force me to like JB.

Grade 4 came along Bell turned on me along with my old BFF because they were friends with bitch oops forgot something b!tch and she picked and told people not to be my friend because I was weird.
Along came middle school where the cliques came in. But in my school it was a little different. And it was split up into:
The losers
The un popular people
The people who don't fit in
Popular kids
I never want to be a "popular kid" like honestly they dated people they were 11 and only like texted and never even kissed or anything what fun is that. I'm like the losers to the popular kids but let them know that I'm way cooler then them. As they worship Ed Sheeran, Beebs and Taylor swift I'm over here worshipping Gerard fucking Way 10 times better sass queen H0t and gr8 like watch out b!tch. You know I was feeling down and kinda angered and just needed to let this out into something for someone to see and to tell me wtf to think of myself but yea... I feel better now. I'm okay now :).
This was probably a pain to read if you even bothered to and I'm sorry I just sometimes look back to my past and think why did I waste so many years trying to be this bitches friend and stuff like that and and feel sad for no reason and I'm sorry but I am something I made an small impact and so did you cause I was the fastest cell I was. And if anyone is ditching you or being a annoying beyoch are they really worth you time like really.

I am Not normal and I'm damn proud of it

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