He Imprinted on ME?! 3

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Chapter 03: "Sisters Bonding"

It was ten o' clock in the morning, and dad had already left to work. It was just Bella and I sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast.

"So what are we going to do today?" I asked.

"Hmm..." Bella replied.

"Am I going to meet the boyfriend or am I going to meet the best friend?" I asked a different question.

"Let's hold that off till you start school. Maybe Edward will be there on Monday and you will be able to meet them." She said.

"So... Basically I am going to meet the boyfriend first." I answered.

"Probably. Jake is in La Push. We can meet him next weekend." Bella said then took another bite of her toast.

I nodded in understanding. "Okay, but what are we going to do today?"

"Let's go buy some clothes. I think you will need more sweaters and warmer clothes because it does get cold here." She finally answered my first question.

I shivered. "Ah... the cold." I said dreadfully.

"Me too... But I have grown accustomed to it." Bella smiled.

"I would think so after getting a vampire boyfriend." I muttered.

She shot me a glare. "Maybe you will find one too."

I shrugged. "Maybe? Or maybe not? What if I get a werewolf boyfriend? Then we will cuddle and be warm together."

She smiled. "True."

We arrived to the closest mall and started going from store to store. I bought a couple of sweaters, hoodies, one jacket, and a pair of boots. I even bought sweatpants and tights for those lazy days.

"[Name], can you help me pick an outfit..." Bella trailed off. "Like a dress or skirt to wear for a date?" She finished asking me.

I nodded my head in surprise. "I've never really been on a date before but I guess I can pick out something to wear for a date."

"Sorry, I just know that you will be able to pick something that isn't too fancy but is really nice. On dates with Edward, I mostly wear pants and a flannel or something of a sort and I just want a little change." Bella said.

I smiled. "Yeah no problem."

We searched for a while and came across many outfits that Bella did not really like. That is until I passed by a cute shop filled with dresses, skirts, and blouses. I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the shop.

"I didn't even know we had a shop here." Bella said.

"Oh, we just opened up." The saleslady said.

"Really? We are in luck Bella!" I smiled.

"Are you looking for anything in particular?" The sales lady asked.

"I'm just looking around. But my sister wants an outfit to wear for her next date but she doesn't want it to be too fancy or too flashy." I answered.

The saleslady guided Bella to a clothes rack and helped her. I too began to look around and help too. I saw a simple black dress that Bella should wear. I grabbed the dress in her size.

I looked for Bella and saw her heading towards the fitting rooms. I helped her with the outfits in her hands. "Thanks [Name]!" She went into the dressing room, and I helped her put the outfits on the hooks.

"I will continue shopping. I really like this store. Oh! I picked out this dress. Try it on and show me okay?" I told her before I left to continue shopping.

The saleslady from before smiled at me. "Are you sure you don't need any kind of help?"

I smiled. "Honestly, I'm just looking around and amazed at all the cute clothes you have. But maybe I do need some help to find clothes that would match and look good on me."

The saleslady nodded. "I think you can wear almost anything in the store and look good in it." She tilted her head. "Oh! I have this one dress that I haven't put out in the open that you can try on. If you like it I will sell it to you."

I shook my head. "Oh I couldn't do that."

"Nonsense! You must try it!" She quickly went to the back and grabbed the dress. "Here! You go try it on."

I went to the dressing room and tried on the dress. "Wow it's so pretty." I then changed back into my own clothes. "Bella, are you almost done? You can come out whenever to show me." I called her as I left the dressing room.

Bella then came out and showed me. "Does it look good enough?"

I looked at her in awe. "Good enough?" I questioned. "Please! How about more than enough?"

The saleslady smiled. "Your sister is right. You should get it." She then turned to me. "How about you? Did you like your dress?"

I nodded. "Yes! I really like it."

"I'm glad you did." She smiled.

Bella quickly changed and we went to pay for our dresses. "Thank you." We both told the saleslady.

"You're welcome! Please come again." The saleslady said.

"Definitely! My new favorite store!" I told her.

"Yeah. Best place to go to." Bella agreed with me.

We left the mall and went to the grocery store. I bought a pack of toothbrushes, hair brush and comb, a pack of hair ties, and other normal girl essentials.

I also bought some school supplies such as notebooks, pencils, pens, highlighters, erasers, binders, folders, and a pack of notebook paper.

After we were sure we did not need to buy anything anymore, we left to go back home.

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