He Imprinted on ME?! 5

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Chapter 05: "The Cullen Family"

The next few days came by so fast. Before I could even remember, it was Friday, the day I was going to meet the rest of the vampires Bella has come to befriend while living here. School had ended and we met in the parking lot next to our parked cars. We were going over the plans for the rest of the day.

"So we meet at our house and you two will come pick us up?" Bella asked Edward.

Edward nodded. "Yeah. I don't want anything to happen to the two if you were going to drive to the Cullen house alone. I rather be there with you two."

"Me too." Alice piped up. "Just as a precaution. Not that there will be danger, but it's always a possibility. Especially, since someone tends to attract danger." Alice looked at Bella.

I nodded in understanding and remembered mom mentioning about that incident. At the time I had school, so mom went to Forks alone to make sure Bella was alright. "Sounds good to me."

Bella and I went into the truck and drove home. We waited for Edward and Alice to come pick us up while we remind dad that we will be at the Cullens for dinner. He was a bit skeptical about it since he did not really trust Edward, but he granted us permission to go.

"Thanks for reminding me." Dad let out a sigh. "Do you really have to go though?"

"Yes, [Name] should meet the Edward's family since he finally met all of ours. Plus Alice will be with us too." Bella explained.

"True... Especially how things are going on between two. However, when are you going to La Push to reunite with Jake? Will you take [Name] to meet him?" Dad questioned.

Bella was about to answered, but nothing came out. "Tomorrow." I answered. Bella gave me a questioning look. "You said it when I got back. I was to settle in with school and then we would head over the weekend."

She nodded. "Oh yeah."

We then heard a knock at the front door and Bella stood up to answer. She brought Edward in and Alice followed behind to greet our father.

"Hi Mr. Swan." Edward and Alice greeted.

"Hi Edward." Dad greeted with a stern voice. "Hi Alice. I just want them back home with no injuries." He said with a sigh.

"I will, sir. They will be home at nine o'clock." Edward said.

"I will remind him." Alice included.

We then left and went into his car. I waved a goodbye to dad before I went inside the car behind Alice. The couple shared a hug and went into the front of the car.

The drive to the house took some time, but at least Alice was there to talk to me. However, my eyes tend to stray and stare out at the scenery outside the window. A vast land of green trees. The weather today was a bit gloomy, but that was normal in Forks. Otherwise, the trees seemed to sway in a peaceful manner.

Eventually, we reached the house with no problems. They lived in the forest which was quiet and free. The freedom to hunt in the forest. Bella told me their vegetarian lifestyle when I questioned her about it back when she confirmed their species.

Since then, I had done a lot of research on the supernatural being real and alive in our supposedly human world. Plus I was just being a sister who was concerned for her big sister.

We got out of the car and went inside the house. The rest of the Cullen family stood in a semi line with expectancy once we came in.

"Hello." I greeted awkwardly.

Bella who was next to me also greeted. "Hi."

Alice walked next to a honey blonde haired male and grabbed his hand. "This is [Name], she is Bella's little sister." She introduced.

"Hi [Name], I'm Carlisle Cullen. The fatherly figure of this household. I also work as a doctor." The older blonde vampire introduced. "I heard from Edward that you know of our species and I would hope that you have been keeping us a secret."

I smiled. "Nice to meet you sir, and I have."

"I'm Emmett Cullen." The one with dark brown almost black hair with a smirk introduced.

I nodded in acknowledgment as the next one introduced themselves.

"I'm Jasper Hale." The one next to Alice introduced.

Next, the pale blonde female said with a bit of hostility. "I'm Rosalie Hale."

I unconsciously pouted and waited for the final lady to introduce herself.

"I'm Esme Cullen. I am the motherly figure of the family." She gave me a smile which I returned.

"Nice to meet you all." I said.

Edward who was on the side of Bella begun to speak up. "Well these two need to eat." He referred to the only two humans.

We all went into the kitchen and noticed everything was already prepared. The food was already out and ready for self-serving. Bella and I grabbed a plate and started to serve ourselves. The Cullen family followed after, but did not have much on their plate since they were either already full or will go out to hunt tonight.

Conversations and discussions started not long after everyone was settled down at the kitchen table. Emmet went on about how incredibly strong he was. Rosalie was being stubborn and refused to make conversations with me. Esme asked about how I was liking Forks. Alice talked about her subjective precognition which was the ability to see the future, but it was limited. Jasper talked about his past and his pathokinesis which was the power to feel and manipulate emotions. Carlisle talked about preparing for the future and the Volturi.

"You can't ever mention about us being vampires. Okay, [Name]? Unless you will find yourself being forced to become a vampire yourself." Carlisle warned.

I looked at him questionably. "What do you mean?"

Bella spoke up. "Right now I am in that very situation. I was caught by another vampire who told the Volturi. Then eventually, I actually met the Volturi face to face. They expect me to no longer be human, but Edward prolonged it. I don't mind though. If I become a vampire then I get to be with Edward forever."

"Tch." Rosalie sneered.

"So you are going to leave us behind?" I pouted.

Edward chuckled. "I'm trying to convince her out of it."

"Don't say it like that." Bella said to me feeling bad.

"[Name], do you also want to become a vampire and throw away your humanity?" Rosalie suddenly asked me before I could tell Bella not to worry about it.

"Honestly, I'm perfectly fine as a human. I mean... Don't get me wrong and think I dislike vampires. You all are beautiful and many would kill to have beauty and strength. However, I wouldn't want to change the way I am unless there's no way out of it and for some reason it's just what was meant to happen." I answered honestly.

Rosalie smiled for once. "That's nice to hear unlike someone." She slightly glared at Bella.

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