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I want to be a success. I want to be a success story. I want to go from having nothing to having everything. I want to be able to finance my needs and my wants. I want insure my daughter will never have to go without.

I want to be able to tell a story. I want to be able to tell people my story. We can sit down and eat cookies with milk and laugh at all the mistakes and bad choices I made as a child. I want for them to gasp at the fact I made those unlikely mistakes.

I want to talk about how I went from having sex in abandoned houses and junkyard cars with a boy who used
me until he felt I was useless to finding a man who's so in love with me that every time we engage in intercourse it's sweet, passionate and romantic.

I want to be able to talk about my parents without shedding tears. I'll tell how I never felt loved because my parents wasn't trying to show love. I want to be able to forgive my dad for his out of control alcohol abuse and his nonchalant attitude towards to off-springs he created.

I want to be able to laugh about my mom being a drug addicted hooker and me turning out so well. I'll show them how even though I had a few bumps in the road I still became great.

I want to be able to show people a different me. I don't want where I come from to show on me. 

BlossomingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz