When I thought we were fine

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"Alexandra, I need you to cancel all my appointments for today" Lisa shouts from her office "I can't cancel your appointments, you have to meet with a bunch of important people, and if you don't meet with them, Michael is going to cut your head off" I say through the intercom "But..." "Lisa, you can't keep canceling, you are going to lose all your clients" I say and she sighs "Fine, Matt returns from his business trip today, squeeze him in" she orders "Sure, you are free at 8:00 pm" I say as I read her schedule "WHAT!" she shouts "I told you to stop canceling, but you didn't listen" I say and she sighs "I am not accepting anyone after 5" she says "You have to meet with the Johnsons at 5:30 and with the Smiths at 6:30" I say "Can Mike take care of them?" she asks "Michael has to meet with Matt at 5:30" I answer "Fine, I will deal with this, send in the first one" she orders, I grab the file and walk to her office "Tamara and James Brown, Mr. Brown suffered an injury by the negligence of a restaurant for not placing a "wet floor" sign, they want to sue for 100,000 dollars" I say as I drop the file on her desk "What did the restaurant lawyer said?" she asks "They will pay the money, they just need to meet with you" I answer "Are they here with the Browns?" Lisa asks "Yes" I answer "Done, please ask them to come in, also have the next file ready" she orders "Yes, boss" I answer as I exit her office.

5:00 pm

**BUZZ** "Mr. Grey" I answer "Communicate me with Lisa" he orders "Mrs. Mayer is out in a client meeting, but if you give me 15 minutes, I can get her to call you back" I say as I walk back to my desk "Client meeting? Who is she meeting with?" he asks "The Johnsons" I answer "Johnsons? She was supposed to meet with them 2 weeks ago" Mr. Grey points out "Mrs. Mayer had to cancel that appointment, because Mr. Mayer invited her to lunch" I answer and Mr. Grey sighs "I am surprised we still have clients with my sister canceling all the important appointments" he adds "Is there something else I can do for you, Mr. Grey?" I ask as I sit down "Yes, bring that beautiful butt of yours into my office and make all my stress go away" he says and I roll my eyes "Mr. Grey, I must remind you that we are at the office and you have an appointment at 5:30" I say and he sighs "Right, then can I pay you a visit tonight?" he asks "You know that the doors of my apartment are always open for you" I answer "I shall see you tonight, then" he adds and I hang up.

As Mr. Grey's employee, I know that I am not supposed to be having an affair or any type of relationship with my boss or any other employee, but I have to be honest, I know Mr. Grey since he was 11 and I was 5 years old, not to mention that I fell for him when I was 13 and he was 19 years old, I should add that I lost my virtue to Mr. Grey when I was 18, and that we have been having an affair since then.

You guessed correctly, besides of the "I am your sister's best friend & you her big brother" relationship, the only relationship Mr. Grey and I have is a sexual one. I know, as a woman I should value myself more, and find a man that wants more with me, than get inside my panties every now and then, but I love Mr. Grey, I love what we have, and I don't want to end it. Am I stupid? Maybe. Am I crazy, blindfolded in love? Yes. Don't aspire for something better than been someone's lover? I do, but I want that something better to have it with Mr. Grey. I know, I know, I am lost case.

**RING** **RING** "Grey & Mayer law firm, my name is Alexandra, how may I assist you?" I answer "Communicate me with my son" like father like son "Yes, Mr. Grey" I say as I put him on hold and press the intercom button to Michael's office "Alexandra" he answers "Mr. Grey, your father is in line 1" I answer back "Thank you" he says, I hang up and transfer the call.

6:00 pm

"I am done with all my meetings, I will email you all the case conclusions, except the Smith's case, because that case just got messy" Lisa says and I sigh "How messy?" I ask as I stop in front of the elevator "Really messy" she answers as I turn around "Let me guess, you have to evaluate the whole case, before you make you next move" I say "I am sorry Alex, I know you have been working really late in the last months, but I wasn't aware how bad the Smith's case is" she says "I will start diving the case by dates, that way when you get to work tomorrow the re-evaluation process is faster" I add "Thank you, also get Michael to call me" she orders "I am on it boss" I say as I head back to my desk.

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