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Leo: Huh...

Sophia: What? *peeks in*

Leo: I found a new website!

Sophia: What's it called?

Leo: Tumbler.

Sophia: Ah. It's that a bad website...? Master Splinter told us not...

Leo: *giggles*

Sophia: *grins* What.

Leo: I found some EPIC stories about us!

Sophia: Let me see!

Leo: *gestures for Sophia to sit in his lap*

Sophia: *does so*

Leo: Whoa.

Sophia: Is that...a picture of you and Raph kissing...?


Sophia: Leo, is there something you want to tell me?


Naomi: Okay, cut, cut, cut, cut!!

Sophia: That was getting WAY too intimate.

Naomi: Yeah, Jill, get over here.

Jill: Hidy, everyone, I'm the writer. Also known as TheLadyKijia_Chan. What's going on here?

Naomi: Uh, we don't do shipping or yaoi.

Mikito: Even though we basically ship...all...the time...

Jill: *giggles* You've got a point there.

Naomi: Still, it's not something we want to see.

Leo: Yeah, please don't bring in incest in your stories.


Raph: Not that funny, Jill, sorry.

Jill: Everyone is picking on me!!

Naomi: No, Julie, we just don't want to see any yaoi. You know. Save it for Tumbler and DeviantArt.

Jill: *grunts* Mkay.

Naomi: *smiles* Thanks.

Mikito: We love you Jill!

Sophia: Can I get on the computer next? 

Jill: Sure. You'll have the next chapter....And action!

Sophia: *leans over, exiting out of Tumbler* Let's do something...fun.

(in the dojo)

Julie: Hai! *swings scythe*

Naomi: Too slow! *trips Julie*

Julie: AH!*goes down* I wonder what Leo and Sophia are doing?

Mikito: I hope they don't burn the pizza!

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