The garrison

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Well it had been a long time since I was in one of these places , not in the two year I hadn't worked I wonder what ma would think of her dirty whore daughter now .
I reached Tommy all he said was "muk mandi kakrow Sarah " meaning me to leave him alone I replied "kek, Thomas, mandis nav is Shelby to ta mandi just as stubborn as tutti . Broken romaness and English for what was forgotten but he flew at me in pure rage shouting and swareing in a language I barely spoke , "Mandi kekka jan Thomas " please "rokker gorikanni, mandi kekka rokker romaness "I begged him . He calmed down and began in English this time "I'm sorry Sarah I know you're trying to help but I'm beyond that now rakli" a name I'd not been called since I was six by my aunt pol , "and also its evident we'll have to teach you to rokker the chib if your going to work with us "Tommy mandi rokker the chib , I just don't remember it all " "clearly" he said laughing .

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