Diary of a Thot

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This is no ordinary diary. This is a story about the daily struggles of  a girl. 

All she ever wanted was to fit in. She wanted a second chance in life.  A 

chance to be free, to have the weight lifted off of her shoulders. This is a

novel, no, this is a journey. A journey that you and I can take and cherish

for the rest of our lives.

                                                    This is Diary of A Thot. 

By : NeNe Thompson (DMV based)

Who am I kidding. ^^^ is a lie. 

This is really a story about a thot from the DMV. She cannot survive on this Earth without her fried chicken, watermelon, kool-aid and hot cheetos. She's kinda being forced to write in a diary because her mother is tired of of seeing her suspended ( and at home eating up all of her food). This is supposed to help "NeNe" solve her problems in a positive way. But of course, as we all know, she isn't going to change. Or is she? 

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