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So I'm a Potterhead, and I believe in magic. A lot of Potterheads claim they do too, but when we have to do something, they tell me to stop pretending and get serious. I am serious! And, (I know I started a sentence with and. Ohhh the tragedy!) they do this wink thing to show that they're playing along. It's weird. I don't know if you know what I know. But in the quote from the series Artemis Fowl, "I'm the perfect age to get involved. I'm young enough to believe in magic, and old enough to know how it works." Also in case you're wondering, yes I did write this on the top of my head, and yes it was necessary to make a quote from another quote. Don't judge.

Where do I begin? (RANTS 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora