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"Help what." I ask. And everyone looks at me. "Avery tonight we are having a campfire down at the beach and the elders are going tell story about the past, would you like to come." Emily asked. "Sure." I smile. It would be better than just setting at home, plus I would get to see Paul more he is really cute. I look at Paul again and he is staring at me, maybe he likes me back.

She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and when I looked at her, I saw images of us going on dates, us getting married, having kids, looking at our grandkids. Then I finally realized that I just imprinted on her. I can't wait to see her at the bonfire.


I got dressed (pic above) put on my shoe and walked to Emily's I knocked on the door and Paul answered. "Hey they already went down so I stayed here and waited for you." He said. "Thanks." I said and he stepped out of the house. The beach wasn't a far walk. "So went are you starting school." He asked. "Tomorrow." I said. We got to the beach and I set between Leah and Paul. "Avery." Ms. Clearwater said. "Hey Ms. Clearwater." I smile and hugged her. "Look how beautiful you are." She gushed. "Thank you." I smile and set back down and Mr. Black started. (I am way to lazy to write what he said and let's skip to the end.)
When he finished Paul asked me if I would take a walk with him on the beach, I said yeah. "Avery I know you probably won't believe me but I'm a werewolf and so is Sam, Quil, Jared, Leah, Seth, Collin, Embry, and Jacob." Paul said looking at me. "I believe you, I know you wouldn't lie to me." I said. "How do you know." He asked. "Every time I look at you I feel like I am being pulled to you." I blush. "Me too." He said. "And every werewolf imprints." He said. "What is that." I asked. "It is where we find our soul mate, our other half. You are my other half Avery." He said. We stared at each other. "Avery will you go out with me." He ask. "Yeah." I smile and he kisses my cheek. "You missed." I smirk and he kisses my lips.

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