How it all started

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Paige's P.O.V.


Hi my name is Paige Cali porter I have brown hair and green eyes I have a 14 year old daughter named Natalie Anne porter, I was a single teen mom I had Natalie on my 16th birthday that was a great sweet 16 ( note the extreme amount of sarcasm). Natalie has been fatherless since i was a month pregnant honestly I feel really bad that because my relationship didn't work out she doesn't have a father but hey what mother wouldn't.

Natalie doesn't know anything about her father and her father (nor paparazzi) know nothing of her and that's how I want to keep it but I know Natalie is going to have to know sooner or later but not just yet.

Natalie's P.O.V.


Hey I'm Natalie I'm 14 and can you keep a secret? Ok so I don't have a father but I think I know who it is I think it's Louis Tomlinson it would make since I have many of his attributes and i may or may not have looked through the diary my mom kept the year she was pregnant with me and it said she was madly in love with him and the feeling was neutral but I honestly don't know because he dumped mom right before she was going to tell him she was pregnant so he doesn't know about me time to change that.

It's about 9 pm here right know on Sunday I'm going to find my father instead of going to school tomorrow he lives in Doncaster and I live in Cheshire it's about an hour on the bus and I already have my bus pass so I will be at my dads house in 1 1/2 to 2 hours I'm so nervous but hey I need a father.

Next morning


I walk to school so this run away will be easy I'm not really running away I'm coming back right when schools over. I called the school office and disguised my voice so it sounded like my mom and said I was sick my mom thinks I'm going and if all goes well I'll be home at normal time but it won't matter my mom doesn't get home till 5 so if I'm late I have a 2 hour back up.

I've already packed stuff ill need in my backpack and I'm walking out the door now. I have to catch a bus at 8:30 and its now 8:10. YAY!!! I'm early it only takes 5 minutes to get to the bus.

I get there and see I'm not the only one here the bus comes in about 15 minutes I get on and put my headphones on my favorite song comes on its actually one of my dads it's 'little things' I defiantly didn't get my dads talent but I've never really gotten an opinion just my own and I think I SUCK so no one will ever hear me.

Before I knew it I was in Doncaster one step closer to my father. god this is nerve racking. I was told by 100's of sites that his address is 9273 caudel dr. South Yorkshire (I don't know I just made something up) only 10 minutes of a walk. Ugh this is gunna be something.

In a little while I was there in front of a mansion with four kinda old cars. Personally I was surprised they didn't have better cars but whatever Natalie stop stalling.

I walked up to the door and rang the door bell. Almost automatically I heard voices yelling things like "no!! I want to get the door" " my turn" or " owwww stop pushing" a few seconds later a blonde man opened the door and yelled for the others to come they all stared at my then stared at Louis. "Ok that's not freaky at all" Louis says "sorry" they all say in unison "would you like to come in for a while" Louis says "sure" I reply


Hey people so this is my new story hope you like it I'll make a new chapter like tonight or tomorrow but thanks for reading!!!

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