Plans and failures

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Natalie's P.O.V.


We all got in the cars and headed to red robin. Louis would not stop asking questions like 'what's your favorite color' or ' what are your hobbies' and then the dreaded question ' does your mum know you're here' the car was silent for 5 minutes "so I'll take that as a no and that she thinks you're at school" he says "YEP" I yell I honestly don't know why I yelled

"But PLEASE--" I start but am quickly interrupted by Louis"-you know I have to call your mum right? would you give me her number" he says " ok no offense but honestly I don't think my mum wants to talk to you Louis even if you have her daughter, can't we just keep this a secret?" I say hopefully but I know he's gunna call anyway

"Sorry Natalie but I just found out I am a parent and I already know that's wrong so what's her work number and cell" Louis says all I can say is crap wait lightbulb "fine she uses her cell at work her number is 598-647-4747"(sorry if it's anyone's actual number!!) what he doesn't know is that's my number I put my phone on silent and he calls, I am so lucky mum made my voicemail

He dials the number and waits the voicemail comes on and then the beep "hey Paige it's Louis um I have our daughter just thought you should know um call me back when you get this bye" he says into the phone. he has a look of disappointment on his face I almost feel bad.

We pull up into the parking lot of red robin and get out of the car. "Hey Louis I'm gunna go to the bathroom" I say I rush to the bathroom and take out my phone wait oh no my phone!!!! I remember I put it down in the car and.... crap Louis has it, plan=failure.

Louis' P.O.V.


After my failed call to Paige I was kinda hurt I mean I never wanted to leave Paige but the long distance wouldn't have worked anyway I deleted her number, unfollowed her on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. it was so hard to get over and honestly I still haven't. we pulled up into red robins and Natalie told me she was going to the bathroom and ran off, I noticed she forgot her phone and so I grabbed it. I pressed the home button and the screen came up saying 'missed call from 368-564-3567' wait a sec that's my number.


Happy thanksgiving day end short chappie I know but I'll do more tonight or Tommie

!!!Love y'all!!!

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