3. Who Has Stolen My Heart

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My body slammed into the wall as I felt pain for the first time in a while. My top lip curled up as the pain went throughout my side.

"She will take you."

My eyes darted up as a girl in the fetal position rocked back and forth. She slipped her fingers through her hair then twirled. Her cringing laugh made me watch as she then found my shadow in the night of the hallway.

"You are new..."

I didn't say a word as her body started toward mine.

"No one new is allowed out during the night."

I pushed my body back as her cold fingers ran down my jaw. I swallowed back hard as her hand hit my stomach.

"My mother use to speak of people like you. You are the devil."

I narrowed my eyes at her as I shoved her back as hard as I could.

Her head snapped back against the wall as she started giggling again. "You are the devil!"

My eyes got wide as the wall behind me started to move with me going with it.

The ground was cold as the back of my head hit the concrete.

"Take her into one of the rooms and get a doctor to look over her." his voice was deep.

I tried to open my eyes as his figure worked around me. He was tall as he hovered over the crazy laughing girl across the hall from me.

My body was lifted from the ground as I was almost floating.

The room in front of me went black as my breathing started to slow.

Don't give up yet McKenzie.

"What the hell happened to her?"

I knew that voice. It was the old dude with the carving.

"We came across her in the hallway."

"She got out?" He snorted back at them. But to me it was like he was half impressed and half pissed.

"We don't know how but she did." The deep voice entered the room.

The monitors around the room started picking up as they all fell silent around my bed.

I knew the old man stepped to me due to his heavy steps, "She reacted to someone."

I started to slow my breathing as I knew that reacting was a trigger that would point to someone. But right now I had no one in the room I knew from any life I had created.

I felt a hand slip around my wrist. "She can control herself like that?"

The other dude that carried me into the room that was his voice. Calm but sweet, he was someone that would have a sweet face and loving smile.

The old man stepped back from me, "She learned interrogation tactics while away."

"Interrogation tactics? You mean like military stuff?"

His voice. The deep one. The one that helped the psycho that placed her hands on me.

The heart rate monitor picked up slightly as I bit down on my tongue to remove the speed from my heart.

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