27. Through the Countless Nights That I've fallen For You

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Westport, Ireland

Solomon rubbed his eyes as the morning sun was peeking over the trees making Solomon narrow his eyes.

Lucas glanced back at Solomon as the wolves were drifting around them, "You know I always heard stories about the wolves and McKenzie. But I never understood it."

Solomon grinned down as one of the wolves glanced up at him. "McKenzie just connected with them. It wasn't much of a story to know about, it was just she saved a few pups and they bonded to her."

Kai glanced over at them as he rubbed his stomach, "I'm glad we are bonding but I am fucking starving."

Lucas reached back into his bag as he tossed over something in a bag, "I grabbed something before rushing out of the barn."

Kai grinned back at his brother as he revealed the pieces of bread and some cold meat. "I am so happy that you are the prepared one."

Lucas glared back at his brother, "That explains a lot when it comes to women too."

"Listen, that was one time!" Kai shouted back at his brother as a piece of meat flew from his lips.

Solomon watched the two as they argued back and forth at each other.

Lucas smiled back at Kai as Solomon saw it over them.

Kai dropped the sandwich as Solomon slipped down from the horse walking toward the smoke that was rising from the house that once stood infront of them.

Lucas looked down at the map that was in his bag, "I don't understand. This is the location."

Kai tossed his hands up, "It isn't here Lucas! We need something else!"

Solomon walked around when he smelt it. He bowed his head to erase the smell that was lingering around him.

Kai glanced back at him as he saw what Solomon was trying to avoid. "Who is that?"

Lucas walked around Kai to see the hanging bodies that were burnt to a crisp, "That has to Ragnar. But the female body, I don't know that one."

"McKenzie has tattoos on her back to cover the scars from her whipping." Solomon said back to them.

Lucas looked harder at the body as a piece of skin from the girl's cheek dripped down hitting the ground.

Kai shook his head as he looked away disgusted. "Who is that?"

"Penelope, I think. She is small. The others are built larger than her." Lucas looked around the body as Ragnar's body slipped through the rope hitting the ground sending tissue and blood all around Solomon's feet.

"I don't understand, who could have done this?"

Kai stepped back as the smell attacked them, "You mind if we go back to the horses and regroup over there?"

Lucas nodded his head as they went back for the horses.

Solomon stood there with blood and other bodily matter covering his shoes, "McKenzie is out there somewhere. We know that Maverick is dead. This isn't how we should be doing this."

Kai pushed his blonde hair out of his face as Solomon was just standing there. "Hey, Solomon what is going on?"

"I don't think you wanna know this but I don't know what is going on. Isabel never said anything about someone else."

Rogue | Savages Part Two [#wattys2016]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora