7. There's Curiosity in Your Eyes

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Ireland, 814

                "Bring up your back arm again. You keep it down like that then you will end up with your head on the ground." Dallas Gamladottir ordered out to the young guys she was standing in front of.

                Dallas ran her fingers through her dark hair that was cut short, as she observed the upcoming group of soldiers that would help protect the southern part of Ireland.

                "Another fun day?"

                Dallas glanced over her shoulder as the young heir walked down to her with a smile on her face, "Shouldn't you be in the palace counting your fortune, again?"

                Sanna Ragason smiled down at her as Dallas turned around to face the young heir standing in expensive gowns and jewels.

                Dallas shook her head as several ladies' maids rushed down to Sanna's side, "Your little dogs are here."

                Sanna rolled her eyes as Dallas glanced over at the gate that was being opened, "Who is returning today?"

                "I'm not sure; everyone said the hunt would take weeks. It hasn't been a day." Dallas narrowed her eyes as the gates opened to a farmer on the back of his horse bringing today's crops to the market. "I really can't believe we are living here now."

                "What are you talking about?" Sanna asked her back.

                "This isn't where we should be. Look around; Maddox is sitting up in a room trying to schedule out an attack plan on the north. Raquel is missing and Kari is just not herself anymore. None of us are doing ok pinned in this place. We should be back at the village. That is our home. This isn't our home. This isn't us."

                Sanna rubbed her arms as one of the guards walked over to her, "Ma'am, you should be in the safety of the palace."

                Dallas glanced back at the young soldiers she was training, "We are hopeless here."

                Sanna dropped her head as the guard led her back into the palace.

                Dallas called the young soldiers into order as Sanna stepped through the doors into the darkness of the palace.

                The sound of heels on the marble floors echoed throughout the hallway as Sanna went back toward her suite.

                "My lady, you should rest a little before the suitor arrives tonight." One of the young girls smiled over at Sanna.

                "Before my what arrives?" Sanna looked back at her.

                "You know the young man that is coming to take your hand in marriage so that the southern line can be controlled completely." The blonde smiled from the back of the line.

                Sanna stood in front of the thick wooden door that separated them from her room, "Who approved that?"

                "Your brother, he thinks it is smart to take allies before a war breaks out. It is smart to have an army prepared before the war." Another smiled from the side of the line.

                Sanna shook her head as she walked into the room slamming the door between her and the girls.

                Sanna wiped her eyes knowing that what she had feared was coming true. She would be married to a guy that would just be there to provide an army for her brother and to break her emotional when the doors are closed to their room.

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