Chapter 2

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Quick A/N, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SHARE THIS STORY. I really need to know that people read my stories in order for me to continue them, And thanks to the people that already do read this because it means a whole lot.

Third person POV

The couple were in the car, listening to music that Ross didn't like. Speaking of which, he opened his mouth to say something to Max.
"Hey Max?"

"What? This better be good because we are almost at school."

"Change the music please?"

He whimpered in fear, knowing that'd he be in trouble again. Max growled, staring at him with devilish eyes.

"No." He said, pulling into the front of the school. "Now get the hell out."

Ross agreed to him, his book bag in hand. Bruises were all over him, but luckily for Max that they were covered up. He stumbled through the front doors with Max trailing behind him.

"Here dude, lemme help ya with your bag." Max reluctantly said, practically yanking it from Ross. He slung it over his shoulder as they went to First Period, which was Gym. People were muttering things, most of them being like ' Aw aren't they cute?'.

Finally reaching the gym, they were met with their friends. Red, Barney, and Adam greeted them. Ross stood right by max, realizing that he had to change for gym.

"Hey man, I'll be right back since I gotta change."
Max glared at him, then quickly whispered in his ear. " Wear sweatpants and a long sleeve, so they don't see."

Ross gulped, quickly agreeing before running off. Adam raised an eyebrow, looking at Max. ' Wonder what's wrong...' He pondered, his face showing worry. Then shook his head, getting rid of the thought.

"So... I actually think we're gonna be playing dodge ball with the girls. So that means Jess will be here!" He said excitedly. Max chuckled along with him.

" She better not be in her shipping mood, or I'll punch her." Mad Max growled playfully. A tiny squeal was heard from across the gym floor, and girls P.E. came rushing through the doors. Max turned to see Jess running towards them.

Meanwhile in Ross POV

I nodded obeyingly and ran to the locker room. My head turned left to the right as my body rushed to get changed, making sure no one could see these markings. I sat down, my head banging against the tile wall. I needed a moment to myself, to collect my breath.

My mind was pounding with thoughts, most of them were about Max. My heart ached for him to be nice. He used to be so kind, and would help me with anything. Tears slipped down my face, and more and more came falling down. Pretty soon the drops became a waterfall.

I started crying, then I heard footsteps.

"Heys Dirts. Yous alrights? I cans hears you from outsides!"
The Turkish man stood over me, and I thanked God that I was already dressed. I stifled my cry, and stood up staring him in the eye.

"I'm okay, Okay. Just personal problems." I started to walk out, but stopped, almost crying again.

"You shoulds talks to Max. Hes could helps you." Barney replied.

I nodded. "Maybe I will. " My vocal cords could barely manage the words. "Let's go, what are we doing today anyway?" I asked, changing the subject at hand.

"Dodgeballs with thes girls PE. Jess' shoulds be there."

"That'll be fun." We both nodded, walking out of the locker room. I'll say I was having a allergic reaction to my deodorant, right? That sounds like a believable lie. I think.

"What's with the red face?" Jess asked, looking at me. I froze in place unwanted to move. "Allergic reaction to deodorant. " Barney blurted out nudging me slightly. Wait how the hell did he know I was gonna say that?

"Doesn't make much sense...But neither does Max's face!"She giggled, poking the ginger.

Well, at least the real truth is hidden deep underground.

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