Chapter 3

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You explain to Nicole how he was just here for the little trolls and not for her. Of course Nicole just rolled her eyes. You decide to take a walk with little Sollux so you take his stroller and hop him on it as you take a walk. It was a warm sunny day you sat down at a bench as Sollux was facing the pond watch the ducks swim along. Hearing you baby giggle and clap made you the happiest woman alive you were gals to take him in your arms.

You were happy that you have a friend that can help you out. You look at Sollux yawning while cuddling his crab now you put a blanket over the baby stroller and pulled him close to you. You rocked him to sleep you still wanted to hang out the park so you pull out the book that Seth gave you and start reading it

Hours later you read the book three times by now you realize how late it was the sun was going down. You get up and walked home as you get home you stop at the drive by your suit case and two small boxes. You rase an eyebrow as you got hit by a fist you fall on the floor as Nicole pushes Sollux towards your suitcase. Your eyes widen as you run after Sollux and check he was careful. You look at Nicole as she hits you again

"You asshole! You two are dating!!"

"OW! What are you talking about Nicole we barely talked now!"

"Fucking lies (Y/n)!"

She punches you again as you punch back. Making her fall back you pant as she walks over to Sollux your eyes widen and tackle her down

"Don't touch him!!"

"He is not your child!"

"Fuck you!"

You pull her hair back as you grab Sollux stroller and your suitcase she throws you baby play pin and bag as she screams

"You are kicked out of my house!"

"Are you serious?! What about me and Sollux?!"

"Find a place"

She slams the door are you tear up and clean the blood of your hands and lip. You grab the play bin but it was broken you sigh and throw it away. You pick the stuff from the baby bag and put it back you put the smaller boxes in your suitcase and left her house it was starting to get cold you run over the park and hide behind a tree to avoid the cold air. You sat down and looked over to Sollux. He was shivering you take off your sweater and put it over Sollux and cover his face. He still shivers as you take out an other sweater from your suitcase and cover him also with the blanket he had covering him earlier he was finally warm you shivered and cried to yourself. Then your phone rings hoping it wasn't Nicole. It was Seth you picked up and wiped your tears away


"Where are you?"


"She just called and went over where are you?"

"A-at the park"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine it's just Sollux I'm worried about I don't want him catching a cold."

"I'm coming hang in there you guys"

"T-thanks Seth"

Seth took about two hours to get here you start to wonder where he was. You were getting scared now. Until he calls again

"Hey I think I'm here"

"Honk your horn"

You hear two honks you look at the car.

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