Chapter 4

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(I change my mind I'm posting this story Even if I like shit or not!)

The beach:

You were going to the beach with Karkat and Sollux sadly Seth had to work, but he let Karkat go to the beach. You two worked together when it comes to people not letting trolls in their stores some people just stare at you. You and Seth were bothered but then got used to it. Some people actually adore them and like them. One time Sollux said there was more trolls than just Karkat and him. You were pretty happy about that he found some friends.



"We're hungry"

"Let's stop for a meal then boys"

You guys had a fun time eating a meal and going to the beach you actually meet one of his little friends one? I meant three of them Eridan, Aradia, and Nepeta you were pretty happy again watching them play together and stuff it warm up your heart. You guys decide to head back home Sollux looked tired as in Karkat was already falling asleep on your arm. You pick up Karkat and grab Sollux by the hand. You get another call..from her

"Nicole what's up?"

"Hi (Y/n) nice day isn't it?"

" is"

"Say you haven't gone anywhere right?"


"Well I thought I drop off somethings you know oh (Y/n)?"


"Make sure Sollux cleans his feet when you two get home from the beach"

She hangs up as you start to think "yup she's scaring you and crossing the line!" Of course when you got home you told Seth about the situation. He sighs and tell you he been going threw the same thing maybe she's nuts thinking we're dating now. Or whatever she thinks we had a nice bowl of soup watching the T.V. You two headed back to your rooms and slept. Until the next morning

You were awaken by Seth shaking you. you wake up and see Seth filled with bite marks and holding Karkat close to him as he says

"Sollux now!"

"What the hell happened?!"

"I don't know Karkat went running to me screaming there was something wrong with Sollux!"


"Shit shit shit shit shit"

You jump out of bed and rush over to Sollux room and see him hugging his knees tears falling down as his eyes spark he looks at you then turns away. You run over to him and hug him tightly

"Sollux sweetie breath"

"Iim 2cared make iit 2top!"

"Shh shh Sollux breath"

"Iit hurt2!"

He screams as he grabs his head sobbing into your arms. You start to rock him singing him a cute lullaby he was shaking you felt his warm tears coming down more as there was a pounding on the front door. Seth runs down starts as he answers the door

"Look were-"

"Where's the boy"

"Excuse me?"

"The boy with spark eyes where is he?"

"Who is asking?"

"The mental hospital we got a call of him giving signs of him physically hurting people and animals?"

"What he did-"

They hear Sollux scream his eyes glow bright you quickly turn him away as he zaps his bed getting you a slight cut. He stops as he pants and cries more you pick him up and hugged him like there is no tomorrow. He stop panting he passes out in your arms

You panicked and layer hims down

"Sollux?..Sollux sweetie wake up"

No response from Sollux you listened for his heart beat. Slowly beating your eyes began to water as you pick up Sollux and runs down stairs as you see The men walking up stairs. You didn't expect them to come

"W-what's going on?"

"Ma'am is the child alright?"

"I-i don't know he just passed out excuse me I need to take him to a hospital"

You pushed them out of your way as you run out the door running to the hospital you yelling "excuse me!" Tears falling down your face afraid Sollux might not make it you run as fast as you can to the hospital. You burst through the doors yelling for help nurses surrounded you and Sollux as they take him away you wanting to go but the other nurses holding you back. Telling you to hold one hell be fine then you see a troll nurse running towards Sollux as she checks his heart. Your eyes widen as you had the feeling you should trust her. You backed down and start walking back and forth biting your nails

~Hours Later~

You were now sitting down at a chair shaking your leg while staring at the ground. Seth and Karkat come in running

"Hey how's Sollux?"


"I-I don't know Seth they haven't came out yet...Seth I want my Sollux"

"I'm sure he's-"

"What if he's dead?! What if-"


"Whoa whoa everyone here calm the fuck down he's not dead Since he's a troll they may or gonna have test relax everything will be fine"


"No he's not she's just freaking out (Y/n)."


"He'll be fine I promise"

He smiles as you hugged the shit out him. You didn't want your baby to die not ever Seth taps your shoulder warning you a doctor is heading your way

"Ms. Captor?"


"Well hi I'm Dr. Gill and I'll be your sons doctor so what he on you correct"

"Yes, correct"

"Alright well he's fine he's fine but what made him so you know blast out because all the stress he had"

"Stress? Stress of what?"

"I do not know yet because do you by any chance may know why?"

"No Doctor but if I do I'll tell you"

"Yes thank you would you like to see him?"

"Yes yes please"

He nods as he shows you the way for your son. You enter the room that he was in. You see him laying down on the bed you hear heart beats as you walk over to him and hold his hand. You teared up as Seth pats you on the back as Karkat goes on the other side of the bed and looks at Sollux sleeping he pulls out a plush crab next to Sollux and made his arm hold it.

You smile at this situation as you plant a kiss on Sollux cheek.

Save Me..Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora