The Hospital

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(Okay enough of my bull shit time for your update)

You wake up in the middle of the night Sollux groaning and little yells you get up and rush over to him. You swig the door open you see sollux tossing and turning groaning you run over to him. And pull off the blankets he sits up grabbing his head

"Mom iit...fuckiing hurt2!!"

"I know sweetie come on deep breaths now deep breath-"

You stopped as you see the jars of honey he had your eyes widen as you looked at them and the label said "dnim yenoh" whatever that was he screams as his sparks went crazy you jumped/screamed you run over to sollux and hugged him tightly you shoosh pay him until he relaxed.Karkat and Seth rush in his room as Seth rushes over to sollux he tells sollux to relax while Karkat stays back worried

4 hours of you relaxing your son you hear the police sirens lights blinking bright red and blue Seth quickly gets up and tell you

"You called them?"

"No I didn't did you guys did?"



"Don't worry relax I'm sure their here for something else"

You hear the foot steps coming up the stairs as they look around and found you guys as he says

"Is everyone alright?"

"We're Gina I do apologize if we scared the people here-"

Behind the police you see these two men in white they walk in and check sollux pulse and eyesight one of them says

"Sorry ma"am we have to take your son with us"

"What no your not"

"Please ma'am we have to cure-"

"There is nothing wrong with my child!"

"He is dangerous ma'am next thing you know he could of killed you"

"He has done this many times for years and I'm not dead he just-"

"Ma'am just let me do my job"

He says as he picks up sollux as the other man helps the man get him out the room you quickly get up and run over to them as Seth tries to grab you but fails you run down the house out the yard

"No stop wait you can't do this to me wait!!"

"(Y/n) wait up"

Two police men runs up to you and stops you as sollux refuses to go with the two men he fights back

"II..want to talk...wiith my mom.."

"Sorry kid we got to get you to the hospital now-"

"Plea2e..let ju2t 2ay good bye 2he'll be le2t freaked out IIf......II tell.....her iill be fiine."

The two men looked at each other one of them nod and helped sollux to walk over to you

Sollux pov:

I knew this day would of came..hearing my mom yelling for me made me worry but knowing these let me talk to my mom was the greatest feeling. One of the men help me to get over to my I felt everything go slow motion me and my mom made eye contact as she reached out for me. He soft touch meet my cheek I grab her hand as she pushed the police man away.

In the background I heard Seth he will handle her. My mothers eyes began to water as she grabs my face.

"Sollux sollux listen to me I'm gonna get you out of there okay? I promise mommy will get you out"

Tears run down her face she begins to cry. I picked up her chin

"Mom.. Mom look at me"

Her eyes meet mine I smiled for heras I wiped her tears away with my thumbs I smiled and chuckled a little

"Iim okay..iill be alriight iit2 okay."

"...d-don't say tha-"

"2hhhh mom"

"Hey kid we have to go now"

"Waiit ju2t-"

"Sorry kid"

"Don't you dare take him away from me!!!!"

The man pulls me away as Seth grab her holding her back I can hear screaming for me I couldn't stayed it but I fought back and yelled

"Mom iill be okay!!! II promii2e!!"

They shoved me in the back of their van. Seeing my mom cry on Seth arms pushing police officers away from her trying to get to me. I tear up as I look away as someone covers my mouth my eyes widen as they say softly


Then everything went black.

Your pov:


"(Y/n) Hun we will get him back I promise"


You point to the police men they all stayed quiet you hated the fact your son was away where he shouldn't be in. You sit down on your lawn and hugged your knees and sobbed all night police and ambulance tried to calm you down. But all you said to them is "Fuck off" or say nothing at all. Seth obviously told them to leave that it was best for me to be left alone.

You stayed in the yard with Seth and Karkat until the sun rises. Karkat obviously crying next to you you pull him in for a hug as he hugged back tightly as he sobbed quietly Seth hugged both of you. You guys went back inside Seth tried cheering you up by fixing up the whole that sollux made you slightly just nodded and headed back upstairs and went to Sollux Room. You look around you and just felt your heart was ripped out you couldn't handle the fact he wasn't here that they just took him away. You went to your room and layer down you covered yourself and bundle yourself into a little ball you cried yourself to sleep.

Faint giggles as a bright light flashes and brought you to where you were playing with sollux went he was a little baby. He was always a happy child but this day this day you couldn't forget you were sitting down working on your bills. You heard sollux cry as you drop everything and followed his cry he was under the blankets guessing he was stuck he was about to cry as you take off the blanket his eyes widen and reaches out for you giggle and pick him

"It's okay baby mommy here I'm here"

He snuggles close to you you rock him as you fix his hair and sang him a song

"Come stop your crying
it will be alright just take my hand hold it tight. I'll will protect you from all around you I'll be here don't you cry."

He giggles and yawns. You gave him his crab that Karkat gave him you smile and walk out the room and out to the living room as you keep singing to him he fell asleep in you arms saying "mama" and in that moment you were happy.

Your flash back ends by the sound of Seth knocking on the door you didn't want to answer the door you had enough drama for one day. Actually you had enough drama forever...

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