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Note: (Ayooo- HorizonSummer thanks for recommending this story ;-) and I'm happy that you've updated ♥)

Peeling the blanket off me, I quietly hoped and tiptoed in order to avoid making any extra noise. As I searched for my slippers eventually my heels turned numb as the coldness of the floor penetrated into my feet with every step I take.

Silence prevailed as the night gets deeper. I hurriedly approached the door connecting to the lobby but to my surprise, before I could even take the exit a figure leaning against the wall disturbed the tranquil silence.

"Take your meds before sneaking out."

My assisting nurse Yoongi stated before handing me the bottles of my prescribed medicines. Surprise and taken aback I immediately twisted the cap and poured some pills into my palm before shoving it inside my mouth. I was so nervous that moment that he might punish me for roaming around the asylum without his approval.

He hummed before walking near me— my sweat trickled down my forehead. He raised his hand and I in return shut my eyes close and waited for him to drag me back to my room. I felt his palms tapped the crown of my head twice before walking pass me.

I was rendered surprise, my tense muscles started to relax and I was able to breathe freely. He was not as bad as what I think though. Thinking that he was nowhere near the vicinity I decided to walk away but just before I could leave and go straight to the living room, he spoke.

"Don't get caught eavesdropping, you nosy brat."

Soon, my face had transformed into a burger bun spluttered with red upon remembering how embarrassed I was last night after being caught. Without turning to face him I sprinted as fast as I could only to stop my feet in the living room.

I stopped and roamed my eyes around the vicinity hoping to catch a glimpse of the boy who has been talking to me for some nights. It was empty— everything seems odd yet eerily normal.

I sat in the couch for more than half an hour waiting patiently for him to appear and after some time my hopes never failed me. I could hear soft thuds coming from my back as it got closer.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," he helped himself and sat beside me.

"Please don't tell me that you're one of those characters in fairy tales which turns into a handsome prince every night and become a frog or some sort of beast in the morning, because if that's the case then let me tell you that it's overused." I said, eyes glued onto the window pain.

"Perhaps, I could be the prince trapped in this asylum… trapped in his own castle. Overused you say? Well rather than cliché I prefer to call it crazy."

I snorted while I watched him rest his back comfortably on the couch. His gaze was so far away as if his focus was glued into the space.

"You’re right this is crazy! I think I’m losing my mind and I need to know whether you're having a conversation with me for real or its just I went totally insane."

"Well technically you're crazy because you're inside this facility. Second, of course you're having a descent conversation with me. What am I, a ghost?"

"Then why do you still pretend to be sick?"

"Maybe because being sick is better than being fine."

I looked at him with smug on face. What is he some sort of poet— always giving me metaphors?

"But you have a lot of friends waiting for you outside?" The conversation he did with one of his friends and the waver to Nurse Min and Dr. Kim’s tone when they talk about him made me conclude that he was indeed a lucky man who has dedicated friends who wanted to help him.

"Someone’s listening yesterday." He looked at me and smiled playfully.

His gaze left mine and went back into gazing the empty space above, "It seems that I'm becoming a heavy load once again. If I get out my father will be bothered, if I stay my friends will be burdened." He huffed while cutting his statement midway.

"I guess I don't fit in any category, whatever I do and wherever I am, I'd still be a burden to anyone."

I don’t know what kind of encouraging words to use in order to make him feel better because I have never been in his shoes. All throughout my life it was plain and easy, I'm an independent soul who always thinks ahead before doing things to avoid screwing up. I've been putting the words and reaction of people on top of my priorities more than my own feelings and happiness. Thus, I've never become a burden to anyone instead I've become a burden to my own self.

I tried changing the conversation to avoid the growing awkwardness.

"Aren't you afraid? I might tell them that you're just pretending." I asked.

His lips formed a small grin. "Do you think they'll believe you? I don't think so."

I pouted, realizing that no one would really believe in me. Yoongi would probably call me names like wacko and psycho once again.

"It's been long since we started talking you should've chirped me long time ago but you didn't." He smiled as he stood up and patted my head.

"It's late we should sleep now."

My gaze followed his figure as he walked softly back in our designated rooms. I was about to stand up and leave when i felt a sudden pang in my chest. One of my arm leaned on the floor for support while the other latched onto my chest as I try to suppress the erupting pain.

The pain was unexplainable and it was as if the organ inside my chest was being squeezed. Later my breath became short, the air passing through my nose clogged. I was whimpering in pain while gasping for air.

I've been experiencing pain more regularly but this one felt different. The pain was hauntingly painful for me bear.

Beads of cold sweat formed on my forehead as I clutched my thorax. Is this going to be my end? It's just a month why is it so early? Why is this so painful?

Thoughts clogged my head as I tried my best to calm down. My head throb in pain as my vision becomes blurry. Tears started to prick in my eyes while the things around me started to spin.

Before everything turned black and I could lose my consciousness a hand grabbed my shoulder and supported my back.


And that was when I delved into darkness.

SHE CHOSE DEATH | Jimin ✔Where stories live. Discover now