Chapter 6: The Flight that changed everything

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I don't know who in the name of Thor is this? I didn't know who this stranger is, or where he is from, but I really don't like the idea of riding this... beast. The Night Fury continued the flight as we go along. The Rider, however kept an eye on me. I asked, "What you looking at?" He seems to be thinking about something. "I know you are from Berk. You are putting your village in danger." I was confused of his words. "What you mean?" I asked the mysterious Rider. He was hesitant at first, then said, "How about I show you what I am talking about... Astrid." 


I wasn't sure of Astrid can handle seeing the Red Death with her own eyes, but I knew that she can be trusted, just like Anya. Anya would do anything to protect Berk, as Astrid would too. I said, "How about I show you what I am talking about.... Astrid." She seems to be in shock that I knew her name. She asks, "H-How did you know my name?" I said, "Because, Anya told me, but I knew you longer." I hoped that she would figured it out. As we were about to enter the Red Death's island, Astrid looks into my eyes and in that moment, she instantly knew who I was. "Hiccup." She says softly. I nodded at her answer and pointed to the cave. We hid in the same spot where Toothless and I first discovered the Nest. Astrid seems to confused, holding me. "Hiccup, what's this place?" I said, "What you bout to see, Astrid is what been raiding us for the past five years." The Queen came out roaring and Astrid was in total shock of what she just witness and I said, "Toothless, let's head back to the isle. Now." The Night Fury flew out of the Queen's lair and we landed in the isle. 


I climbed off the Night Fury and paced in panic mode. Hiccup walks towards me and said, "Astrid, calm down." I said, "Calm down? Hiccup, don't you see the size of that thing?!? Please tell me that you're not going to defeat it on your own are you?" He seems to be nervous, "Well, actually... I was. But when you guys arrive here in the isle, I have to do something to make you leave. It's way too dangerous." I place my hand in his shoulder, "Hiccup, you can't do everything alone. Anya, does she know who you are?" He nods, "Yes. She does and now you know what I'm going to do to save both of our worlds." Hiccup changed. He's not the same fishbone that I used to picked on. "Ok, what you want me to do?" He said, "Try to get out of here safety. It'll make me feel better, Astrid." I was still upset that he run away from Berk to be with his Night Fury friend. I punched him in the shoulder. "Ow, what was that for, Astrid?" He asks, rubbing his shoulder. I replied, "That's for kidnapping me and not telling us that you run away." Hiccup looks at his Night Fury and the dragon smirks and looks away. I pulled him close and kissed him. "That's... for everything else." I run to find the others.

Author's note: What you guys think of this chapter? Find out what happens next soon! 

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