Chapter 9: New Berk?

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One month later...


I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Toothless. "Hey, Toothless. It's great to see you too." I said to him in Dragonese. "You idiot. You really have me scared for a month! I thought that you wouldn't wake up." I asked, "Wait, I was out  for a month?" "Yeah, and you wouldn't believe what Anya did." I was confused of what he meant by that. I removed the sheets and I realize that I lost my left leg during the battle of the Red Death. "Well, at least I'm alive." I muttered. Toothless helps me out of my old house and when I opened the door, the first thing I see is a Monstrous Nightmare! "Toothless, wait here." The Monstrous Nightmare has someone riding him. "All right, guys, this way!" I was in total confusion when I saw Dragons... here in Berk! I thought this is all a dream. "Ok, someone please tell me I'm dreaming." Anya spots me while she was in the plaza. "Hiccup! Guys, he's awake!" The villagers came towards the house and Astrid punches me in the shoulder. "Ow, what?!?" I asked, rubbing my shoulder. "That was for being stupid, Hiccup." Anya added, "And not telling me that the dangerous situation would be a huge dragon!" I said to the girls, "Look, I'm so sorry! I didn't know it would be a big deal." Anya said, "Well, if you are looking for Dad, he's in the Great Hall. I'll inform him that your out of your coma." She walks away and Trust was right behind her.  "She's cool, Hiccup. I didn't know she was your sister."  A voice said. I turned to see it was the same person I saw riding the Monstrous Nightmare. It was Snoutlout! "Snout lout?!? You're-" "Riding a Monstrous Nightmare? It was Anya's idea since she's the leader of the Academy now." "What happened in one month?" I asked in awe.


I was so relief that Hiccup came around, it drove me insane last month, trying to get everyone their own dragon, especially Dad. Dad found a Thunderdrum he names it, "Thorando." Astrid gotten herself a Nadder, like me, named it, "Stormfly," The twins got a Zipperback which causes them to make a whole heap of trouble which lost count of, and Snoutlout gotten himself a Nightmare which he names, "Hookfang." It was all a team effort to rebuilt the damage that the Red Death pulled, but it was worth it. The Arena, also called, "The Kill Ring," was redecorated and now named, "Berk Dragon Academy and Dad put me in charge of it, since I confess that I'm not ready to be the next Chief and I still need a lot to learn before I take the job. Dad was in the Great Hall with Thorando, when I barged in. "Anya! What brings you here?" He asks me. I panted, "Hiccup. He's up!" The Chief got nervous and I can tell why. This is the first time seeing him as an adult, not as the fifteen year boy that he used to know. "Daddy? You ok?" I asked the Chief. He sighs, "It's been five years, Anya. I don't know what to say to him, what I did..." "Dad, it was his decision to leave, to protect Toothless. I'm not mad anymore, even you too. Just tell him how you feel. Be a father instead of a Chief." I advise him. The Chief looks at me in amazement. "You really gown wisdom beyond your years, Anya. I'm impressed." I rubbed my head, "Aw, Dad. You really making me blush." As in right on cue, Toothless and Hiccup enter the Great Hall. "Son." Dad said.


I walked in to see Dad and Anya. Anya was there with Trust and a new dragon I never seen before. Dad said, "Son." I was not expecting that. I looked away from Dad, "I know what you are going to say. Why would I done this? Run away from you for five years and not come back to you? Well, I knew about the rule of banishing me to training the most deadliest dragon no one ever seen. A Night Fury. I thought that you would be better off without me, and now I realize I was wrong, I see that now." I backed up as Stoick came towards me. "Oh, Stoick, please say something!" I said. Stoick said, " I'm so sorry, Hiccup." I couldn't hold a groude against my father any longer and we embraced in a tight hug. Anya was watching and she said, "Well, that is the most coolest thing I ever seen. Glad that you two finally getting along." I looked at my sister, "Speaking of which, How did the-" Stoick smiles, "It's all thanks to Anya. She was the one who got all the Berkians their own dragons while you were in your coma." I shrugged, "Well, that's one thing down. I still have a lot of explaining to do, don't I?" Anya laughs, "Yeah, you do." As I was about to reply, Snoutlout appears with the Nightmare. "Anya, Stormfly is missing, along with Astrid!" "What?!?" Anya cries, her expression turns serious. "All right, gather the other Riders in the Academy. Sorry about this, Dad. I know that-" "Is your responsibly. Just be careful, ok? Don't leave any detail when you get back." "Trust, look like we have to find Astrid again." She was about to hop on, "Hey, can I help? With Toothless I mean." Anya slaps herself, "Oh, yeah, I almost forgot." She hands me a new saddle and a new mechanical tail for Toothless! I asked, looking at the design, "Did you make this?" She nods, "Yeah, Toothless is a part of Berk now. C'mon, we need to find Astrid." We flew out of Berk and I wonder what did happen last month?

Author's note: Where you think Astrid and Stormfly go? Find out soon! 

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