Heart attack

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Sangs Pov
I wake up with a lot of pain in my chest and I can barely catch my breath. And I feel like I'm suffocating. I go to school and sit in class when I begin sweating like crazy. After home room I start feeling numb on my left side but I ignore it still going to AP English. I get there and I just fall. I start barely breathing and I see dark spots in my vision. I hear voices but I can't answer before I'm swift away into the darkness.
Kota's Pov
We are having a family meeting when Docs phone goes off. He answers it and immediately starts asking all these questions that you will usually ask about a heart attack patient. He say's " How old is the girl". He looks shock and hangs up. He says" Owen call the academy and ask for an ambulance now. Let them know it's a heart attack patient in Mrs. Johnson room # 205. Patient is a 16 year old girl. Name unknown. Kota go there along with everyone else while I get my bag from the nurses office." We all nod our heads and head to Mrs. Johnson's room. We get there to see the teacher doing CPR. I push her away and gasp when I realize it's Sang. I start CPR and check for a pulse. Nothing. I let Luke take over and ask what happened. She says " She just came in and fainted. I checked for a pulse but there wasn't any so I called Dr. Green and started CPR until you guys came." I nod my head and look over to see doc and Mr.B come running in with Raven and Brandon behind them with a stretcher. Doc pushes us away and we start blocking people from trying to get too close. Most kids are saying she deserves it and they hope she's dead. And others just laugh at her saying she just is a drama queen. I ignore them and do my job praying that she's okay.
Dr. Green's Pov
I run in to see Pookie laying there lifeless. I start setting her up and put her on the stretcher. I have Nathan bagging her while we start to roll her out. We get her loaded and I feel for a pulse. She has one but it's extremely weak. We give her aspirin and other medicines to sedate her . We get to the hospital and she has flat lined three times. We rush her in and we take portable x- rays of her chest and decide to do emergency surgery. I am not allowed back so I go to the waiting room to wait for any news on Pookie. Please let her live.

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