3 months Later

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Silas's Pov
Aggele has been in a coma for the past three months. I am sitting next to her bed side waiting, willing her to wake up. I see her little perfect eyes flutter open. I press the nurses button and say" hey aggele, do you remember what happened? Blink once for yes and two for no okay." She blinks twice and I sigh. I ask if she's in pain and she blinks once. I smile and text the others. The strange thing is her parents have not come once to see her. Dr. Robert comes in and starts explaining what happened and that she has a heart disease. The disease she has is congenital heart disease that the doctors missed apparently which caused her heart to fail. They had to go in and repair the heart muscle and the hole on the heart as well. She looks shocked that her this has happened. We are going to have to watch her because they caught it too late and there will be be problems in the future. They will have her on a heart monitor for the next three months. She doesn't seem surprise that her parents haven't been here but relieved.
Sang's Pov
I wake up with a lot of pain in my chest and an annoying beeping sound. I see Silas standing there asking me if I remembered what happened. I don't but a doctor Roberts tells me what happened and what type of heart disease I have. I am so relieved my parents haven't showed up. I really want to this out of my throat. I write " can you take this thing out of me?" Dr. Robert nods his head and calls for a couple of nurses. I flinch away every time they touch me. Once they are done I relax. I write" Where's your friends?" He smiles and says" They are in the waiting room." I nod my head. I really want to know why they saved me and came to visits me. I write " Why did you guys visit me?" He shakes his head and says" We want to be your friends and no one else was not even your own family which is fucked up. You did save our asses so we wanted to save you." I tell him thank you and he nods his head calming down when I smile at him. I write " How long have I been out for?" He says" 3 months but your fine since your a head of everyone else apparently." I relax and smile at him thanking him again.

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