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Sang's Pov
I am sitting with Max when he starts whining. I look down to see the most embarrassing thing ever. I just look at him horrified until I hear laughter. I see Luke, Gabriel, Nathan laughing. I look to see Kota super red in the face. Victor, North and Silas look at me in shock. Max keeps whining and pawing at his problem. I walk over to North and hide behind him. He puts me in his lap and I immediately fall asleep into peacefulness.
Dr. Green's Pov
Owen and I walk into the room to see a little to happy Max pawing at his problem. I can only guess who did this. Luke is still laughing while Kota is blushing like he is about to explode. I laugh and see Owen millimeter smile. We play with Max until it finally goes away. North lays her on the couch while he goes the bathroom because she keeps moving around. We all smirk and decide to have our family meeting while she's asleep. We have max stay with her while we go into the kitchen. We sit around talking quietly waiting for North to come so we can start the meeting. He comes in twenty minutes later. He is blushing a little bit but we all ignore it since Owen says" Mr. Lee how's everything?" He tells us fine but his mom wants to see Sang again. We tell him she can come over whenever she wants. Everyone else says the same thing. We hear Max barking like crazy so we run in to see her on the ground trying to breath but can't. I go over and grab the oxygen mask then put the mask on her. She looks around frantically until her eyes land on Owen. She's stumbles over to him and sob. We look to see what he'll do. To our surprise he actually wraps her up in his arms and tries to smooth her. Max goes over to her and sit in front of her protecting her.
Mr. Blackbournes Pov
I was completely shocked when Ms. Sorenson gets up and sobs into my chest weather in relief or pain I don't know what. I hug her not really knowing what to do. Finally Mr. Taylor Jr takes pity on me and takes her from me. I see him talking to her and she nods her head. She looks down in embarrassment then whispers" I'm sorry Mr.Blackbourne." I make everyone leave asides from Mr. Taylor Jr. I roll my sleeves up and crunch down in front of her taking my glasses off to show her everything because she deserves it. I say" Ms. Sorenson you have nothing to be sorry for. You been through a lot so do not apologize it isn't or will never be your fault okay." She nods her head and then warps her arms around my neck. I hug her back and tell them let's watch a movie to help everyone relax.

Heartless? Wattys2016Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang