Chapter 3: Drunk!

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 A/N: Please vote and/or leave a commet to let me know what you think so far :)


On the way back to the hotel I realized how drunk we really were. It took us 15 minutes to get back to the hotel and when we finally got there we couldn’t remember our room number. We were running around in the hallway like lost sheep. I was laughing of how stupid we were, while Kelly almost started crying cuz’ she was worried we would never find our room ever again. But she’s always like that when she’s drunk.

I found the ice machine and yelled overexcited to Kelly “I found ice. We must be close”. Kelly came running towards me, but she tripped and managed to head-butt me in the stomach. We both ended up on the floor in hysteric laughter. Kelly got back up on her feet and cleared her throat before she dead seriously said “We just have to do the adult thing here and start knocking on doors!” I was still lying on the floor, and I could not stop laughing.

Kelly knocked on the first door and after a few minutes the door opened. Of course the guy who opened the door was the guy from the band. “Excuse me sir, but do you happen to know where we belong?” Kelly said tearfully. “Yeah, you belong behind the door to the right” he said and laughed. Kelly turned around and looked at me. As soon as our eyes met we laughed harder than ever. The guy from the band laughed as well. He came over to me and helped me up while Kelly opened the door to our room and walked in. I was so drunk I couldn’t even stand on my feet. So he had to pick me up and carry me into the room bridal style. Kelly had already fallen asleep on her bed. He helped me take of my boots and made sure I was safe in bed. “You are so sweet, and caring, and you are really handsome. Your eyes are absolutely gorgeous! Have anyone ever told you how handsome you are? Cuz’ you are really handsome.” I babbled on. He smiled and laughed a little while he took care of me. “Sleep thigh, princess” He said and kissed me on the head. I fell asleep so fast that I couldn’t even remember him leaving the room.

I woke up the next morning and went into the bathroom. It felt like my head was about to explode. I looked in the mirror and my hair was standing out in all directions. I noticed the writing on my left boob. Riker Lynch. I had totally forgotten what his name was. I brushed my hair, brushed my teeth and removed all the makeup from yesterday. I changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt. Right after Kelly woke up, someone knocked on the door. I opened the door and Riker was standing there with a wide grin, a bucket of ice and four bottles of water. “Hangover?” he said and I could tell he wanted to laugh. “Please, come in” I said and tried to smile. He walked in and sat down on my bed. “WATER! GIVE ME!” Kelly grunted from her bed when she saw the bottles. He chuckled while filling two glasses with ice and water. “Thank you. For the water and for helping me last night.” I said and smiled to him. “My pleasure” he said and winked at me. “Well, I better leave the two of you alone with you headaches” he said and stood up. I followed him to the door. He gave me a hug and whispered “I told you I’d see you again soon”. He winked at me and walked away. I couldn’t help but smile as I closed the door. I think I actually like this guy.

Kelly and I decided to stay in our hotel room for the rest of the day. We were just lying in bed watching TV until we fell asleep again.

The next morning I woke up and took a shower. Kelly usually sleeps in late so I thought I would go find some breakfast before she woke up. I was done showering so I just towel dried my hair and wrapped a towed around me. Then someone knocked on the door. I opened and there was Riker again. “Hey” I said. I felt a little embarrassed about my outfit. “Hey, I just came to ask you a question.” He grinned a little extra when he saw what I was wearing. “Okay?” I said and tilted my head I little. “Since I were so incredibly kind and helped you yesterday…and the night before, I thought I might ask you if you want to go out for dinner tonight? He looked a little insecure, but he still smiled. He always smiles.

“Tonight?” I said.


“Just you and me?”

“That was the plan”

“so like a date?”

Suddenly he looked really insecure and nervous.

“No… or… not unless you want it to be. I wouldn’t mind calling it that, but it doesn’t have to be.. if you don’t want to.”

I laughed a little. “It’s a date, then!” I said and winked at him. He lit up and smiled wider than ever. “Really? Great! I’ll see you later then. Pick you up at eight?” he asked. “Eight sounds great” I said. “Okay, I’ll see you then” He said and turned. “Okay” I closed the door en did a little happy dance.

“Oooooooh, a date!” I jumped when Kelly suddenly stood behind me. “God, you scared me. I thought you were asleep. I was going to get us some breakfast, but if you are up already we can go together” I said. “Yeah, give me 10 minutes” she said and ran into the bathroom.

We went out for breakfast and walked around for a while when Kellys phone rang.

 “hello? Hi mum! What? No way! Are you sure? Yeah, I understand. Of course! I’ll try. Okay’ I’ll check and call you back. Okay? Okay! Bye! Oh my god, Maria. I have to go home NOW! My grandmother is in the hospital. She fell in the shower and broke her hip.”

“Oh no! Is she okay?”  

“I don’t know, but I have to take the first flight home.”

“yes, of course! Let’s go!”

We practically ran back to the hotel and started packing. “Why are you packing? Kelly suddenly asked. “Why I’m packing? Cuz’ I would like to wear clothes when I get home” I answered ironically. “But you’re not going home today.” Kelly said

“You really think I’m going to stay here alone?” I asked her

“You have to stay! You have to rock this place enough for the both of us. AND you have a date tonight. If that goes well you won’t be alone at all.” She said and winked.

“It won’t be any fun without you” I said and pouted my lip.

“You have to try before you know.” She smiled.

“Fine! But if I get bored for even a second I’ll go home” I said and waved my finger at her.

“Deal!” she said and laughed. I helped her pack her bags while she called the airport.

“They booked me on a flight at six o’clock.” She said and kept packing.

We took a cab to the airport and I waited with her for half an hour. We said our goodbyes and I took a cab back to the hotel. It was time to get ready for the date.

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