Chapter 13: Roses and candles

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A/N: So my story is going to end soon. But I think I will start writing a new one. Enjoy:


“This is the weirdest day ever!” I thought to myself as I walked around town with Rikers’ wallet and the list he gave me.  Waking me up and literally carrying me in the shower, standing put with the blow-dryer as I got out from the shower again, helping me get dressed, handing me his wallet and a list and throwing me out of the house, telling me not to come back before I’ve checked off everything at the list? He must have lost his mind.  Actually… I’ve read about these things. People losing their minds when they are expecting a baby. It’s pretty common really. I looked at the list again.

Buy new underwear… something sexy!

What? Is he trying to be funny? I’m five months pregnant, for gods’ sake! I entered the closes lingerie shop and started to look around. “Do you need any help?” the cashier asked me with a wide smile.  “Yes, I do. I was ordered here to buy something sexy.” I told her and shot her a look that said “I really don’t want to be here”. She took a quick glance at my belly and looked back up at me. “Yes, I’m pregnant” I chuckled. “Congratulations, then come with me and I’ll show you some from our new line” she said ecstatically and went over to a shelf by the counter.

Half an hour later I walked out with a pair of underwear that I thought to myself that I’m never going to wear while I’m in this shape.  Okay, next on the list.

Get something to eat

That really doesn’t sound like a bad idea. I went to a café nearby and ordered some pancakes and an Ice tea. I ate and then looked at the note again.

Buy new shoes

God, I hate shopping! I found a pair of shoes I liked and purchased them. I checked the list again

Go get a snack

Really? I just ate. I looked further down the list and it was basically shopping, snack, shopping, snack, shopping, snack all the way. He might have taken the whole “pregnant women eat all the time” thing too seriously. I kept on shopping my way down the list until I had bought probably one of each type of clothing he’s ever heard about. Next on the list was

Go to the movies.

So I went to the movies and saw the new “hunger games” movie.  I checked my list one last time.

Bring me a treat and get home to me!

Finally! I picked up some Oreos and Nutella, and headed home. Riker usually just puts a spoon in the whole nutella-jar, so I figured that would do. It was nice of him to let me go out and buy new stuff, but he didn’t really need to throw me out for that. He could have just asked. And I don’t really know why it’s such a rush, or why he actually gave me a list to follow. It’s almost like he tried to get me out. On the way home, I looked at the clock. I’ve been out for almost four hours. I wonder what he’s up to. Of if he’s just gone mad.

Finally I reached our street and I could see our house. The entrance is on the other side of the house, but I could already see there was something different. As I came closer I noticed there was sort of a glow coming from the entrance, and when I got to the door I could see why. There were big candles lit on the porch. And there was a note on the door. What’s up with all the notes today? I stepped up on the porch to read the note.

Leave your bags in the hallway and walk right in

Like I need instructions on how to enter my own home?! But I did as the note said. I went into the hallway and left my bags there. Usually I yell hello as I walk in the door, but I knew something was up and just couldn’t get myself to make a sound.  I went into the living room and stood there in shock. There were white candles lit everywhere and at least hundreds of them. In the kitchen! In the living room! Everywhere! And red roses! Dozens of red roses all over! Bouquets in the window, on the table, on the counter, and everywhere he managed to place a vase. In addition to that there were some single roses here and there and the whole floor was covered in red rose petals. But no Riker was in sight. Suddenly I got really worried. If this is his way to apologize for something, he must have done something really terrible.  I stood there in shock for a while when I noticed that the backyard door was open.

I walked really slowly to the door and looked outside. There was a patch of rose petals going from the entrance. The patch was lit up by more candles on each side. The patch stopped in the middle of the yard and at the end of the patch was Riker standing, wearing his ripped jeans, his light blue shirt and a black tie. Suddenly I remembered the outfit. I was the outfit I had found for him a couple of days after we first met. As soon as my eyes hit him I smiled. I followed the patch and ended up next to him. He had that smile again. The smile that said he was really happy, but also extremely nervous. He looked me deeply into the eyes. I could tell there was something he really wanted to say, but still was terrified of saying. He opened his mouth, but no sound came out. He looked down and cleared his throat, and looked back at me. I gave him the most comforting smile I could, but it didn’t seem to have any effect this time. He opened his mouth again. “I… I’m…” he took a deep breath and tried again “I’m so lucky to have you in my life. And I will always be there for you. I am terrified of ever loosing you. You make me a better man, and I’ve never been as happy as I am with you. I have been thinking about this for a long time. I know that you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, and that is never going to change. You are the love of my life, and I will love you always and forever. You are way too good for me, and I can’t believe I managed to get a hold of such an amazing and perfect girl. And that’s why I am going to do all I can to hold on to you forever. I will take care of you, and our baby, because I can’t live without you. And I won’t live without you. You are my everything. And I love you more that you can ever imagine.” He said while looking me in the eyes, and I could see him getting more and more nervous. “Riker, I feel the exact same way” I replied. “Good! Because… I have something to ask you” he answered fast. Like he was afraid that he wouldn’t dare to say what he was about to if he didn’t say it right away.

Now he looked like he was about to faint any second. His face got pale and I could see little pearls of sweat in his forehead. I had no idea what to expect. This could go both ways. Ether ha had screwed up really bad, or this is some kind of declaration of love. I could almost hear his heart beating faster and he looked like he tried to swallow something stuck in his throat. He looked down at the ground again. No, wait! He’s not looking at the ground; he’s looking at his pocket. He reached his hand down his pocket and pulled something up. I could not see what it was. He reached out his hand and got down on one knee, and that’s when I noticed the black box he was holding. He cleared his throat again and looked back up at me. Hi was looking so deeply into my eyes that I felt my knees go weaker.

“Maria, I love you with all of my heart” He opened the box and I saw the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen in my life. “Will you marry me?”


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