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Long dark brown hair cascaded down her shoulders and stopped just above her hips, it fell in a waterfall of light curls that could become easily ensnarled in the wind. Klara sat in front of the mirror in her bedroom. She was packing her last bag to go to school, she was nervous enough to leave Ilvermorny, the school she had been enrolled in until this year. She stared longingly at the gold and white uniform that hung in her closet. No part of her wanted to leave the place she had come to know to as home, she loved waking up to the smell of the salt in the air, she loved her life in New Hampshire, she didn't even know if she wanted a wizard career or to live in the muggle world like her aunt chose.

Over two months ago the headmaster at Hogwarts had contacted her Aunt Kalena, saying that it was imperative for her to return "home".  Klara couldn't help but to laugh at that, some place over in Scotland. He said something about family that was there, but all the family she'd ever known was her. Kalena had told her that her parents had died in a drunk driving accident when she was just a little girl. She also did not know why they needed her there a month before school started, she was informed that she would be staying with a host family while she was there. Giving her no time to say goodbye to her friends, just hop on a plane and fly to London before taking a train to Hogwarts in about a month.

"Klara! It's time to go! Hurry up darling!" Kalena yelled up the stairs at her.

Klara slipped a loose-fitting sweater on over her tank top and slid sneakers onto her feet before grabbing her suitcase and dragging it down the stairs grumpily.

"Come on, I do not want you to miss your flight!" Kalena said before shoeing her out the door.

"I wouldn't mind missing that flight." Klara groaned.

Kalena scolded her before shutting the trunk with her suitcase and backpack in it. They sat in silence on the way to the airport, before Kalena let Klara out of the car she handed her a passport.

"Uhh...Kalena...this says I'm eighteen, I'm only sixteen..." Klara states being confused by the birthdate.

"Being a witch has its perks." Kalena smiled before grabbing Klara's suitcase and back pack out of the trunk of the car.

Before Klara could say anything, she watched her aunt drive off.  Klara looked at her passport.

Her name at the top,

Klara Elouise Potter



New Hampshire

Sighing she walked to check her bag with the airline before going to her flight which she would be changing at JFK to fly the rest of the way to London.

When she landed in London and made it past baggage claim she made her way to find her host family. Just as Klara started sitting down she saw to red headed older boys holding up a giant sign that said KLARA POTTER in bright pink writing.

She walked up to the two boys and introduced herself, "Hello, I'm Klara."

"We should've know, spitting image." One of the boys look towards the other who repeated his words,

"Spitting image."

"Uhh...." Klara was cut off before she could continue.

"I'm Fred!" said one.

"And I'm George!" The other said. Klara couldn't tell the difference between the two but was too jet lagged to say anything.

"Alright grab my arm!" one of the boys told her, with one hand she grabbed onto his arm the other clutched to her suitcase, she stared up at the boy much taller than her.

Suddenly she was looking at a funky looking house in the middle of the field, soon to be leaning over and throwing everything she had consumed that day up.

Another PotterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang