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Klara watched the rest of the practice waiting for Blaise to come back.

"Well that was impressive." Klara smiles as Blaise comes back into view.

"Eh, just another practice, I saw Draco sitting with you, you absolutely boggle him." Blaise smirked looking at the brunette.

"Well, that's interesting." Klara smirked.

"What are you up to?" Blaise asks while walking back with Klara to the common room.

"I'm going to hang out with my brother and his friends." Klara smiled breaking away from Blaise and heading towards the court yard.

"Lame!" He yells, smiling at Klara.

Klara continued her walk to the courtyard where Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville, and Luna were waiting for her.

"Klara!" Luna yelled and ran over to her and gave her a hug.

"Hey Luna, how are you?" Klara smiled at the strange girl in front of her.

"I'm good, I am going narggle searching this weekend, do you want to join me?" Luna asks.

"I would love to! Just let me know when you leave." Klara smiled, looking forward to the small adventure with Luna.

"How's life in Slytherin?" Harry asks sarcastically.

"It's fine." Klara smiles knowing how touchy of a topic it was.

"You know you have to be careful around them." Harry murmurs.

"Harry, I have made some really nice friends there." Klara tries to tell him.

"Who? Blaise? I saw you with him at the Slytherin practice." Harry snaps.

"Harry, he isn't like the rest of the boys that he hangs around. Crabbe and Goyle are both awful and he is much nicer than both of them." Klara tries to reason with him.

"Klara, just because someone is nicer than their awful friends doesn't make them good." Harry says attempting to dissuade Klara from her friendship with Blaise.

"Okay Harry." Klara states wanting the conversation to be over with.

"He is probably a death eater like Malfoy and the rest of Slytherin!" Harry says raising his voice.

"Harry, do you ever get to know people before you judge them?" Klara asks tired of his pestering.

"Klara, I just got you back, I just do not want you to get hurt, okay?" Harry says, his voice quieting his voice.

"Harry, I have been doing just fine my whole life without my brother getting all over protective of me, will be just fine." Klara smiles, giving Harry a side hug.

"Whatever, hot stuff." Harry laughs as both of them get up from their seated position on the grass.

"Right back at you buddy." Klara laughs before heading back to her common room.

Klara smiled softly as she walked back into the common room. Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle were sitting by the window chatting away about the quidditch try outs.

"Klara! Come over here!" Blaise yells across the common room.

"Whore" A voice coughs as Klara starts walking over to the window.

"Excuse me." Klara remarks looking at the girl who had made the rude comment.

"The names Pansy, and I don't like you". The pug faced girl snarled.

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