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Klara jolted awake in her bed, drenched in sweat and breathing heavily. Her head was pounding and her heart racing. Before anything could go through her mind Klara jolted out of bed and ran into the bathroom before releasing all of her stomach contents into the toilet. She brushed her teeth before grabbing a warm sweater and running out of her room, it was too hot there for her.

The memory of what had happened was etched into her mind. Suddenly it hit here, what happened to Luna?

Klara started sprinting towards the Ravenclaw common room. The portrait stopped her from entering asking for the password.

"I don't know the password; can you just tell me if Luna Lovegood is in her room or the common room?" Klara begged the portrait.

"I cannot give out that information." The portrait replied.

"Please, just this once, we got separated in the woods and I blacked out, please just tell me if she is okay!" Klara begged.

"Luna Lovegood is safe in her room." The portrait said before disappearing in the frame.

Klara took a deep breath and collapsed crying in the middle of the hallways of the school, leaning against the cold brick wall, the events of the day hitting her harder than a train. She had wished that it was all a dream, but if the pain in her arm was not enough of a reminder she pulled the sleeve of her sweater up and saw the awful mark and burst into tears.

"Are you okay?" Draco's voice echoed through the halls as he looked up at Klara from the bottom of the stair.

"I'm fine." Klara replied quickly pulled her sleeve back up and whipped her nose with the end of the sleeve.

"I saw you running out of the common room." Draco replied.

"And what possessed you to follow me." Klara snapped.

"Because I think I know what you're going through." Draco whispered taking a seat next to the girl in tears.

"No! You don't! Tell me what on earth do you think I have gone through today! UH! What could you possibly know?" Klara screamed at him, looking at him through her clouded eyes.

"My parents told me...that Voldemort was picking some, someone special, to join his forces. I just assumed that they were telling me that my time was here and to prepare me for what was coming." Draco said quietly next to her.

"So, it is true about you parents...they are deatheaters?" Klara said emotionlessly.

"Unfortunately, and now I am expected to follow in their footsteps." Draco mumbles.

"Do you want to be one?" Klara asks quietly.

"NO, I never wanted to be considered bad and quite frankly I'm scared shitless." Draco murmured.

"I'm really scared, I...I'm not supposed to be bad..." Klara cried.

Before anything else could be said Draco wrapped his arms around her while she sobbed into his shoulder.

"It's gonna be okay, I know it doesn't feel like it, but it will be." Draco whispers in Klara's ear.

"It's not, I have the freaking dark mark on my arm, it's gonna stare at me whenever I am not wearing a long sleeve." Klara cried harder.

"Come on, let's get you back to bed." Draco said helping Klara stand up.

"I'm just gonna have more nightmares I don't want to go back to sleep, I hate this, I feel helpless." Klara cried.

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