Into the Dark

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Klara packed up her chest for the holiday. Draco had informed her on what she needed to bring to "fit in" over the holidays as the manor would be full of deatheaters. Klara was not a fan of dresses, so she packed lots of black jumpsuits, jeans, shirts, sweaters, and sweatshirts. She only brought two pairs of shoes, her favorite sneakers and a pair of small, black heels. She was reminded to leave any muggle possessions that she may have at Hogwarts because Voldemort does not tolerate them in his presence.

Klara looked at herself in the mirror, not recognizing the girl she had become. The deep dark circles under her eyes were concealed by, what seemed like pounds to Klara, make-up. Klara put on a pair of black jeans, and black shirt tucked into the ripped jeans and a leather jacket. Her hair was pulled back into a slick pony tail, that made it clear how much weight she had lost from the stress of the whole ordeal.

Klara tried pulling her hair down to see if that made her look less sickly, but it only made it worse, so she pulled her hair back up, trying to not care how she looked.

Klara grabbed her trunk and headed down to the carriages that would bring her to the train. She was one of the first students at the carriages, and one of the first situated on the train.

Klara found a cabin to herself on the train, not wanting to be around anyone else. Klara soon fell asleep, thinking that it may be the most she would be able to sleep this whole holiday.

The train finally came to a stop and Klara got off to find Draco, who she had only talked to once since he tried to comfort her about what may happen.

She looked through the crowds of people hauling her trunk behind her looking for Draco and his family.

She put on a fake smile once she spotted the three, standing waiting for her.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy." Klara smiled.

"Oh darling, you are even more beautiful than Draco described you to be! And please call me Narcissa" she exclaimed, and Klara could she Draco blushing uncomfortably from the corner of her eye.

"It's lovely to meet you." Draco's father replied, shaking her hand before he snapped his fingers and the trunks disappeared before their very eyes. Klara tried not to make a scene of it and acting as though it was no big deal.

They all got in the back of a large black car and were headed off to Wiltshire. Klara looked out the gate once they turned onto the driveway. It was a long gravel road with hedges lining the long road. Iron gates met them before they entered, assumingly to keep unwanted guests out of the manor.

"Right this way, right this way." Narcissa chirps walking into the manor showing Klara around. Darling your trunk is already up in the room you will be staying in, the house elves have hung all of you clothing already, so you don't need to worry about that. Draco darling show Klara to her room, dinner will be in two hours, we will be having special guest so clean up nice you too." Narcissa rambles before sending the two on their way.

Draco leads Klara through the halls and up a winding staircase and up through an even longer hall way before going up yet another set of stairs.

"Here's your room. I'll knock when it is time for dinner." Draco says opening up the door to the glamorous room.

The room was colored in light pink with gold accents, there was a large four poster bed against one wall, a dresser faced against the opposite wall, a walk-in closet was next to the dresser.

"I told my mom you seemed to wear a lot of light pink and she kind of ran with it." Draco murmured before closing the door.

"Draco," Klara started not letting the door close yet, "thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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