Part 2- The first day...

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Monday 17th June 2016

Dear diary,

Today was quite a good day and it didn't go as bad as I thought that it would go! Luckily! First of all, I met a few people and I don't think the people at my new school are that bad anyway!This is what happened: I got to school in my dad's 5th hand (if that exists) van. I then told my dad that I would walk the 2 miles tomorrow and casually walked inside. Every person who was in the hallway by the door that I came in seemed to be gawping and whispering and it seemed to be at me. If it was at me it was probably because I looked like a homeless person that walked into Buckingham palace. Out of place right? That is what I looked like!!! Anyway, I got to the reception and I glanced over at 2 popular girls. They were wearing matching tops and denim jeans. It took me a couple of seconds to realise that they were not twins!!! As I walked past the taller one, Lauren, she gave me a nice smile. She knew that I was 'that new girl' and invited me to sit with her at lunch and her mate, Ella agreed that we should sit together. I then went to the new student room and got my timetable. I easily found my first lesson (English) and I (thankfully) got placed between Ella and Lauren. We had a nice teacher too! She was called Miss French ( aka French-Fry, just like the crisps) we had a few other teachers though the day but non were as good as French-fry. I couldn't wait until the next lesson of hers! I think that's it... see ya I guess!

-Melanie x

My secret diary- The crazy start.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora