Part 4- I find out about the School talent show!

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  30th of June 2016

Dear Diary,

Today I did the usual (going to school) and I got to school after the adventurous 2 mile walk and Instead of seeing plain white walls, I saw all that all of the walls were plastered with posters. I read one of the posters:

Talent Show!!!

The annual school talent show is here! If you are good at singing, dancing, comedy, acting, magic or you have any other good talent to show us, apply at the main office to be part of the show! The auditions will be on Monday the 11th July 2016 after school. the earlier you apply, the earlier time slot you will get and beware! We can only apply up to 100 people into the show so get cracking! 





(P.S: The forms have to be complete by Monday the 4th of July so everybody can prepare their acts!)

Once I read that, I knew that I had to enter the the talent show and that I had to get my act together, literally.  I had to win that talent show so I could get popular and finally get a place in the CCP (cute cool and popular) group. I am a bit of a good singer so I have officially decided to sing on the talent show! I am going to sing Roar and if I get through, I will sing Dark horse( both by Katy Perry if you did not know!). Anyway I knew that I had to tell Ella and Lauren as soon as I got a chance. I knew I had a good enough chance as anybody else that entered into the talent show to win a place In the CCP group and get recognised around school. Now that would make me happy! Also, if I won any of the prizes, even if it was just the £10 one,I will been happy. I would buy art supplies with it and improve my amazing art skills. I might save it for art camp though. even if it is my fourth year in a row going. The leader of the art camp said that if I go the way I am going with art, I will earn myself a four year scholarship at an art collage! How amazing would that be? Now, I think this is it! 

Melanie x

My secret diary- The crazy start.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora