Part three- 'What the heck is going on?'

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18th June 2016

Dear diary,

OK! I'l admit it. Diary writing is getting kind of addicting. I regret what I said at the beginning about diary writing being boring and not worth it! I just want to say that my day has been crazy (a good crazy). My day started off he way it should do: My mum had gone shopping and my dad was at work as usual and I went to school like i'd normally do. I had the famous french-fry (aka Miss French) for english and French with Miss Garnier (aka Hair products) and science with Miss cole (aka coca-cole) I was daydreaming throughout French and Science making nicknames for miss Garnier and Miss Cole but I didn't though in English as Miss French already has a nickname (French-Fry of corse!). So when I got home from school, I noticed a parcel at the front door. I was confused. Our family never usually get parcels so I got the feeling that it was a joke by some fool at my new, posh school.  it was probably one of the popular kids that was giving me this parcel. I was thinking that the parcel probably had something like a jack-in-the-box or a dead mouse in there. It wasn't any of them. I read the label to see who the parcel was from. It turned out to be from my Mum and Dad. Filled with curiosity, I ripped open the parcel. There was a small box inside. I opened the box. There was a smaller box inside but instead of it being a big box like the first one, it was a phone shaped box with a post it note on it. The post it note said: Well done for settling in to your new school so well.  You're dad got paid last week so he bought you a nice new phone! I was so happy I could've screamed right there out loud. I could not believe my eyes. My own, brand new phone. I suddenly got carried away day dreaming about all the apps and new ringtones that I would get. As I drifted out of my daydream, I forgot that I still needed to actually open the phone box and see what cool, new phone I had one for basically attending my new, hard to fit in school (at least I have a couple of friends!) Guess what though? It was the new I phone 6s! I was so happy that I had a new phone! I couldn't wait to text and call Ella and Lauren! I could even video chat them! Amazing! I think that is it now! See ya!

Melanie x

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