Chapter 6- Meeting My 'Mate'

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Kayla's P.O.V.

I had bolted out of the Cullens house and through the forest, just trying to get away from the place for a little bit. The dream, or memory really, was still playing through my head. I could still here his voice yelling at me and laughing that stupid laugh. Without reliezing it, I had gone farther then I had planned. Looking around I saw that I was farther away from the clearing and more or less in a more denser part of the woods. "Ah, hello little one. Are you lost?" Spinning around on my heels, I saw a man with red eyes and black hair, followed with a man with blonde, almost white hair and another man with black hair but longer. "No, my lord," I said with a bow. "I am not lost, just running." I then proceded to walk by him, but was suddenly being held up by my the blonde man. "Aro, let me deal with this pest." He said before smiling at me. As he prepared to bite me there was suddenly a loud growl and I was ripped from his grasp. "Demetri, what is the matter? Did you want some?" The man, Aro said. "No." "Then give the girl over to me." Blonde said while going to grab me. The man, Demetri pulled me more into him and growled at him. Aro calmly walked over and calmly held out his hand. Demetri glared at it before relectantly putting his hand into it. As he did that I was trying to talk to Edward but, you know, since I cant read minds, I wouldnt know if they were coming. Suddenly Demetri spun around and said, "Hello my mate." Before kissing me.

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