Chapter 5

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Once I finished packing, I got a call from my friend from Florida, Maddie.

On the phone:

Me- Hey Mads
Mads- Guess what!!
Me- what?
Mads- I'm coming on vacation with you!
Me- what how?? No freaking way.
Mads- Yeah. My manager said since I hit 2mil on, 240k on younow, and I'm dating Nathan so I can join y'all!
Me- wait back up... You're dating Nathan?
Mads- Yep.
Me- Oh my god! Well stop talking to me and start packing!
Mads- okay I'll be there tomorrow text you soon
Me- Byee
Mads- Adios

Off the phone

When I looked up I noticed Jonas wasn't in the room anymore. I went downstairs and walked into Jovani's room. "Julian.. why are you in your brothers room?" I asked him. "Don't tell anybody but we are pretending to be each other to see if anyone notices. Nobody has yet besides you." Julian replied." " So where is your brother at?" I asked him "In my room" I nodded and thanked him and barged into Julian's room expecting to see Jovani, but instead see Addi leaning on Jonas shoulder crying, and Jonas looking down to the floor- well he was until I barged in. "What happened?" I yelled trying to figure out what's wrong with Addi. "I'm sooo sorry Vanessa" she cried and ran out of the room. Jonas gave me a concerned look. I asked him what was wrong and he told me I should sit down. Jonas sighed and began to speak. "You know how Addi had an older sister?" "Yeah.." I replied softly. "Her boyfriend started cheating on her sister, and turns out her sister is pregnant. Now that her boyfriend left she doesn't think that she can raise the child by herself, and so she is putting the baby up for adoption."Jonas said nervously. "Oh" was all I can say looking down to the ground. "There's more." "I looked up at him to signal for him to continue talking. "Addi kissed me." My jaw dropped open in disbelief. "I pushed her away as soon as she did it" I looked down at the ground letting a tear fall down onto the carpet. He picked up my chin and looked at me in the eyes. "Babe, I swear." "I know, I'm just upset that she didn't tell me she liked you or kissed you knowing that we are together." "I think something needs to happen."I continued on. "We should take a break, not for good though. No, im not mad at you or hate you or upset but if something happens and Addi kisses you again, I don't want to feel hurt by my best friend and my boyfriend." After I said this Jonas put his head in his hands and started crying. I sat on the floor and put my head on my knees and sighed loudly. Jonas sat next to me on the ground and looked at me. I turned my head and kissed him. It felt so right. We kissed for about 3 minutes before we needed to breathe. I laid my head on his shoulder and said quietly "Jonas Robert Bridges, I love you so much, and I'll never stop loving you. Don't forget that." He nodded and said "Vanessa Marie Grace, I love you so much and I hate having to split up with you even for a short amount of time, but I know things will never be the same. I'll love you for as long as I live, don't ever doubt that. Can we still be best friends until the end?" "Of course." I smiled and hugged him. We walked out of the room with his arm around me so we could go find Addi. I then remembered I needed to talk to Jovani but I decided I could always tell him later.

Hola. So I'm sorry for taking a while to update but here it is. I've been thinking a lot and have had a lot going on but here is the new chapter. I decided I would update now just cuz im happy

Also, I want to thank all the people who actually read my story and vote for it, it honestly means a lot. Follow my and comment: 💘💯💦 and ill follow you back
Btw ik it says vacation and not a tour, its a vacation because I don't want to write about mostly them traveling, it's easier and I think I write better honestly so yeah.


Love youu 🌸💞✌

My Bestfriend Jonas  {A Jonas Bridges FanFic}Where stories live. Discover now