Chapter 3: Study Hall

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She walks into the library with the suffocatingly musty air, this is where most of her 'friends' hung out, she had a lot of friends but she wasn't popular by any means, she just knew a lot of people, you see her school didn't abide by the traditional social structure, no they didn't have 'cliques' or 'jocks' or 'popular girls', no people just hung out with their friends, yeah they did have 'nerds', but everyone at her school was pretty down to earth and there was no bullying or harassment like what you saw on the movies, nope just a pretty normal school. She had never once see someone cry at this school, except for Bai but- shut up brain- no one ever got beat up or anything and to be completely honest when she started going to this school she was pretty surprised, because she definitely expected it to be somewhat like high school musical.

She walked up to her friends and plastered the most believable smile on my face (if they were real friends they would see right through it) "Hey Saffy!" Jack looked up to her and waved for her to come over and sit by them.

She took the seat next to Bella, their gang consisted of  her friends Bella, Jack, Luke, Ama, and Vinnie. Bella and Luke are the only couple in her friend group their famous for having one of the most unhealthy relationships in the whole school, repeatedly cheating on each other and Safron can't even count how many times they've broken up. Jack was Safron's closest friend after Bai-, they've known each other since middle school, and they tell each other nearly everything, except for the fact that you think your losing your mind-, then there was Ama who was one of the nicest person that Safron had ever met, and Vinnie who was... interesting, he was the sorta guy that you could get anything from, that's right he was the 'I know a guy' sort of guy.

"How ya doin' Saffy?" Luke asked, his arm slung over Bella gripping her shoulder possessively. "Average, History couldn't get anymore boring I swear if I hear one more thing about another dead white president i'm gonna rip my hair out, or Mr.Blue's hair out, oh that's right" she answer, and everyone laughs hysterically at the dry balding joke.

Overall my friends were pretty great, so why do I have so many doubts about them she thinks. She's been doubting them for quite a while now even though she won't admit it to herself, but through out the day she finds herself doubting whether or not they speak truth, sometimes she looks at them and all she can think is 'You hate me don't you?'. But then again she's probably 'just over reacting' like what Bella used to say to her, but she's right and Safron came to that conclusion a very long time ago, she's just over thinking everything.

But she can't help it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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