Chapter 1

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Chara sat in the underground, in her coffin. Underneath her was the rotting corpse of her mortal self. She sighed as she slowly cut into her old body's flesh with her beautiful knife. Chara sighed. She couldn't believe this was actually happening. Chara listened as the echoing footsteps of her brother neared closer, and closer to the coffin room. Asriel looked at Chara,"Is it comfy in there?"He laughed.
"It's just about as comfortable as it looks,"Chara looked down at her old body,"Yet I'm still here..."
Asriel was confused. If it was so uncomfortable, why was she still sitting there? Asriel sighed, wishing he could understand,"C'mon Chara, why don't we go get some fresh air?" Asriel suggested. His sister nodded in approval. Chara stood up and cracked her neck, ripping her knife out of the body's flesh. She looked down at the torn and bloodied body of her old self. She wasn't that person anymore. The girl that fell into the underground was long gone. She laughed. Her dark laughter echoed around her and she walked upstairs, to the throne room. Asriel watched his sister leave for a moment, before cautiously following his sister up the stairs. He had only recently realized what a horrible person Chara was, but by the time he figured it out, it was too late. There was no way his parents could still accept him after everything that he had done. He only did it to help her. If it was his choice alone, he never would've killed all those people, but Chara, in his eyes, was worth it. He'd do anything for his sister. She could still be saved.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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