Chapter 1: New Roommate

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***2 Years Later***

Alexandra's POV:

I groan and shift in my bed. I sigh and open my eyes, looking at the time which reads: 4:15am. I groan loudly and get up. I grab my keys and walk out locking the door, I walk toward the boys dormitory. I make a beeline to Duke's hallway and to his room. Being the nice person, I bang on the door and yell "Duke!! Open up!!"

I hear a faint, "Go away" on the other side of the door.

I sigh and yell "I'm a redhead stripper who is wearing close to nothing and quite lonely!" I immediately hear a loud 'thump' and I see Duke opening the door. Duke looks at me from head to toe. I'm wearing plaid pajama shorts with a black tank top, and black slippers.

"Come in, redheaded stripper" Duke says sarcastically, his morning voice making it sound deeper as he moves out of the way. I smile sarcastically and walk inside. I crawl into his bed as Duke chuckles, "make yourself at home," he says sarcastically.

"Haha, come on Dukey, I couldn't sleep" I whine. He chuckles and crawls in and I snuggle into his chest. He wraps his arm around me and I close my eyes. After a few minutes, I could hear Duke snoring, I take a deep breath. Concentrating on his snores and heartbeat I feel myself lulled to sleep. It could also be the warmth Duke provided with his body heat.

My first senses to wake up was my hearing, I could hear a few people whispering annoyingly. Next, was my sense of touch, as I felt the slight roughness of Duke's bedsheets instead of Duke himself. I knew it was Duke who was whispering and if he was whispering, it only meant Toby and Andrew was here as well. I could smell the faint fragrance that was Duke's signature scent. Before I could dwell on what it smelled like, I heard Duke sigh deeply.

"Come on she's still sleeping" Duke spoke.

"Come on, dude. We won't be loud...we just wanna talk" I hear Toby say.

"Yeah its not like were gonna say... Alexandra should WAKE THE HELL UP!!!" Andrew yells at the end. I hear someone hitting Andrew and him letting out an "ow."

"Andrew, I swear to David Beckham I will BLOODY MURDER YOU IF YOU CALL ME ALEXANDRA AGAIN!!" I shout back. I hear laughing and Duke groan. I slowly sit up and rub my eyes. All three delinquents walk further into the room chatting away. I yawn and mumble "I'm going to get ready" I get up and stretch.

"Wait, here" Duke says handing me his big jacket. I raise my eyebrow at him and Duke answers my silent question, "you're wearing short shorts and a tank top. And now you're gonna walk around campus and guys... are gonna stare and I don't want that." I roll my eyes and glance at Toby and Andrew.

They give each other knowing glance before they look at me and shrug. They knew better than to argue with Duke, they've tried before and it didn't end well. So now, they just do nothing or offer to help with an alternative that could satisfy Duke. It was times like this, I despise Duke's protective brother act.

After my brother had to transfer to Europe for a couple of years (two years ago if we're being exact) he made a Duke promise to protect me and make sure no guys try to take advantage of me. That Duke was now my "assigned" big brother bodyguard until he returns stateside. Which is exactly in eight months. Now Duke, took the role a little to seriously at times, this was one of those times.

I glare at him huffing like a child. Duke sighs and pulls the jacket over me, making my hair messy. I whine and brush my hair out of my face as best as I can. Duke's jacket or sweater reaches little over mid thigh and the sleeves were long. Duke laughs and I glare at him, crossing my arms. He calms down, only to chuckle at my struggle to pull my hand out of his jacket. Mentally cursing his weirdly long arms, I mutter "it's not funny," as he nods. He slaps my hands away as he finishes rolling the sleeves up for me, I thank him as I stuff my hands in the pocket.

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