Chapter 2: Try outs

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Alexandra's POV:

Noon time came around and I was walking onto the soccer field. I look around and I could tell who was returning and who was new.
One, the returning players already have practice uniforms and are adorning the outfit at today's try outs.

Two, the new players are wearing their own work out clothes and seem to be standing apart from the others.

Since I was a returning player, I wore the school regulated red shorts, white Adidas shirt and my cleats. I had my hair in a low braid, along with a water, knowing I'll be needing it.
I saw the guys and I greeted them and gave Duke our usual handshake before fist bumping the other two. I stop when I spot Duke's roommate a couple feet away. "What's he doing here?"

Duke looks to Sebastian and shrugs, "he plays." I laugh mockingly before I cross my arms. Duke defends his answer as I look to Toby and Andrew who nod in agreement.

"Wait, seriously? For who, the girls team at Cornwall?" I ask sarcastically before rolling my eyes. The guys shrug, as they didn't know how to answer. They knew I didn't like Cornwall, at all. Not after meeting the Soccer coach, when I ran into them at the sporting store one time. I had never met a more misogynistic man than him.

Not only that, but I also know a player on the team. A player I actually used to date, before I found out he cheated on me. Tyler Hoski, adequate student, decent soccer player, class-A douchebag.

I dated him for a couple of months and I was dumb enough to forgive him cheating on me... twice. When Duke found out he begged me to break things off, saying I deserved better. But I didn't, I stupidly believed my ex boyfriend's words over my best friend when Duke told me Tyler never actually cut things off between him and the other girl. But in my defense, Duke Orsino always meddled in my love life, and always managed to break up my relationships.
But in the end, it was for the best, because Duke was right. Tyler never broke things off with the other girl and Duke was the one to show me proof. Toby and Andrew do try to meddle in my love life at times, acting like the protective best friends but they also knew when to back off. Unlike Duke, who never seems to like anyone I've dated in the past.

Most of them, I wasn't really heartbroken when we'd break up. It was just another come and go situation. To be fair, most of my exes and I didn't have that connection or were we emotionally invested in the relationship. All except one, there was only one relationship I actually got heartbroken, we both did.
His name was Lyle Cummings. I originally

met him freshman year in my math class. We didn't get together until the end of freshman year and ended our relationship in October. Neither of us did anything wrong, in fact we cared deeply for one another. The problem was Duke, he never liked Lyle and made it loud and clear. It got too much to handle so, Lyle broke things off.

The break up hit hard and it nearly costed Duke's and I friendship. I didn't talk to him or wanted anything to do with him for weeks. Eventually, we mended our broken bond and I still keep in touch with Lyle. But the break up and the lack of having Duke present in my life, I did stupid things.

I had short relationships that barely lasted a week, and they were mostly from different schools. When Duke and I were slowly binding back, I met Tyler. I didn't want to be the girl that ran through relationships like a dirty tampon anymore, so, I stuck with Tyler. It was one of the main reasons I forgave his cheating ass, twice.

The other main reason was more deeper. One day, Tyler and I were arguing and it lead to Tyler hitting me. It was accidental, or so he says, but it was then I realized the big mistake I made. I broke it off with him and Duke was happy to hear that. But I never told anyone about that day, not even Duke. Now, it was easy to say I hated Cornwall because the misogynistic Coach and the douchebag of an ex. Which was valid in my opinion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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