Chapter 2

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A day or so passes by for the princess of Kalementar. She spends her day doing her usual business. Studying, learning manners that suit a lady of her statue, and for a little while when she can sneak a chance. She watches the knights train in the castle's training grounds. Their training though, reminds her of Malfran, her lover. Her father has been keeping a strict regimen for her daughter, so she has to be sneaky in what she does for those little moments of delight.

"Malfran." Sunista says with a long sigh. "He must be suffering in the dungeon. I hope he is at least all right." As Sunista says this to herself her hands start to shake and tears almost form into her eyes. She's always been taught to keep a stiff upper lip though, since crying is a sign of weakness for a person with her power. As such, she should never cry.

The castle that she resides in is known as Al'gmor. It's an old castle, older than Sunista, Malfran and her father combined! It was first constructed in times way before their lives. Sunista was never able to learn why the castle was constructed in the first place. Besides, she's rarely ever been outside of the castle that much. So she barely knows the outside world.

Her father wants to have her marry a suitor of his choosing. Why can't she choose who she wants to marry?

"Malfran." Sunista says again with a longer sigh. Her mind starts to wander about all of the things that he could be going through at the moment. "I need to see him; no I have to see him! There has to be something that I can do to help him.

Currently in this day she's in her private library within the castle. Her library is brim filled with books after books of various subjects. The light from an opening in the castle shines a beautiful white light into the room. Sunista takes a look out the window and she can see the vast open plains that are there. She can even see a small river on one side of the plains. Also within her gaze is the well illuminated castle village. With its outlaying walls to protect the common folk from various dangers. Some gray clouds are forming though, so it may rain soon. Many traits are expected of her. She is a noble woman after all, so she is expected to be intelligent. She's expected to have many characteristics. She's supposed to be the good wife for the suitor that her father chooses, or at least be a baby making machine. Which disgusts her truly.

"My father is an idiot; I'll never play the role of a noble wife for some man I don't even know!" Sunista thinks to herself, angry at the thought that she is trapped. She even starts to cry a bit as she begins to think about Malfran again. Currently she is sitting in a brown, completely wooden like chair and desk at the moment. With a book in hand, studying diligently like how any dedicated member of the nobility should.

"Princess." A voice says into Sunista's library. "May I enter?"

"Of course, please enter." Sunista replies.

Entering the room is Alise, a young maid with beautiful black hair and a charred face. She works with Sunista in her education.

"Hi, my friend!" Sunista says to Alise, trying to hide her tears about Malfran from her friend. She can't show weakness after all.

"Sunista, have you been crying?" Alise asks Sunista.

"No, whatever makes you think that?" Sunista replies to her.

"I'm your friend. I've known you since my family was brought here to work as servants within the castle. We've known each other since we were both young children. I can tell when you're crying, so what's wrong?"

"Okay, I'll be honest with you. Tears have been arising in my eyes because I have a lover." Sunista calmly and silently tries to say to Alise as she enters the room.

The Love of Sunista (DRAFT + UNFINISHED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें