Chapter 5 - The Suitor

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"It's a pleasure to meet you princess." The figure says to Sunista as he takes notice of her and the guard near her. This figure, this man, is a man of quite unnoticeable height. He's about as tall as the princess herself!

"It's ever so nice to make your acquaintance. My name is Sunista" Sunista politely says in response to the man. His red hair and brown eyes ever shining within the light of the garden.

"The name is Asitel. I am the son of a duke." Asitel says to Sunista as he gestures for the guard to leave the both of them.

"Very well, you two enjoy yourself." The guardsman says as he leaves the garden.

As the guardsman leaves the two of them alone. Asitel takes in the sights, the smells and the various other particulars of the garden. His formal wear, ever so shiny in the light of the garden. He is wearing a nobleman's outfit. A purple jacket with a white shirt and purple pants that shows in the light quite well.

"So how do you do on this fine day princess?" Asitel asks Sunista.

"Quite well, thank you. How do you do yourself?" Sunista answers.

"Okay, thank you." Sunista says as she watches Asitel sit down in the garden with a flower in his hand. He smells the flower and smiles as he does. With his smile you can see his bright and shiny teeth.

"Do you like flowers princess? You know some people compare women metaphorically to flowers." Asitel curiously queries Sunista.

"Yes, but I'm honestly not a flower girl. I never was, to be perfectly honest." Sunista states in response.

"Oh, well, I for one like flowers. They are beautiful, a statement of nature. It's nature's way of saying. Here I am, and enjoy me for me!" Asitel exclaims.

"My apologies then, we aren't similar in the case."

"That's okay, no reason to apologize! I believe we all have our differences and that we should respect them. Personally I find intolerant people to be quite nasty. They're everywhere in the kingdom. It's quite saddening to be frank." Asitel states to Sunist as he lays down the flower that he picked up in the ground.

"How irritating." Sunista whispers to herself.

"Oh, I'm sorry did you say something?"

"I didn't."

Ugh, I hate meeting suitors. They're all the same, they all are too conceited and worried about their diplomatic appearances. Sunista thinks to herself. As she does she can feel an irritation arise within her. She doesn't want to be around this suitor for any much longer than she has to be. Besides, her father is the one who will be deciding who she marries. Much to her utter terror filled chagrin, considering that she already has a love.

"So, princess, what do you like to do if you don't mind me asking?" Astiel queries Sunista about.

"Well, I like to read and I have an interest in the arcane." Sunista replies

"Arcane eh? Oh right, you and your father are both decedents of Sunisto. Does that mean you have a lot of power in the arcane?" Asitel asks Sunista as he gets up from sitting down.

"I haven't had the chance to really try arcane to be entirely honest with you. Because, I've mostly just been taught theory and not much in the way of practical uses."

"Still, you must be quite blessed. My family is just of a regular noble birth. We don't have any powers outside of knowing how to use merital crystals. I've heard stories about those who don't even need them. They can make magic happen just with a work of the will." Asitel says in pure astonishment of the thought.

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