Chapter 7

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"Someone get the royal physician!" A voice shrieks out like that of a banshee.

Astiel gets off of Sunista as they both get up. There lies her father, bleeding out with a glowing red mark on his body. Beside her father is an unknown man, but he's holding a mertial crystal. A group of guards rush into the ballroom after the noise.

"Dad? Dad? Dad!!!" Sunista shouts as she runs to her father.

"Stand back, no one get near him. We don't know what arcane art was just used. So we have to be careful." One of the guards states to Sunista.

"I don't care, he's my father!" Sunista declares as she kneels down by her father's side. There's a huge burn mark around his abdomen, like that of a burnt piece of steak or mutton. Also noticeable is a slash like mark on his throat. With a knife laying on the ground next to the assassin.

"What's that smell?" Sunista queries to everyone around her. She smells a rather pungent smell, like a smell that gets burned into your mind.

"Princess, you shouldn't be near him." Astiel interjects into the environment with a sigh. "Because, because it's the smell of burnt flesh."

After that exchange between Astiel and Sunista a man runs into the ball room with a group of guards. Alanfro doesn't make a single noise as the doctor inspects the king.

"He's not long for this world." The physician meekly says. "Other than that, he should be safe to be around."

"Sun." A weak and frail sounding voice states out loud.

Sunista instantly recognizes the voice as her father's.

"Dad?" Sunista replies

"I'm sorry." Alanfro replies. "I wish I could take back all of the years of strict training and how I imprisoned that man."

"No dad, please, don't worry."

"I just wanted, what was best for you and the kingdom. That's all." Alanfro states as he starts to sweat. He starts sweating a red liquid, a red liquid that one can recognize as blood.

Sunista lets out a loud shriek. "What's happening to him?"

"Must be the arcane used on him." A voice intercedes.

"Daughter," Alanfro begins to say. "You'll make a fine queen one day, because I'm afraid I might not be around here much longer. Sunista, I love you as much as a father ever could I just hope you know this."

"I love you too, dad." Sunista responds.

With that last bit of words exchanged between the two, Alanfro lets out one loud gasp of air. The physician inspects Alanfro one last time.

"I'm sorry princess, but I'm afraid he's dead." The physician sadly says to the princess.

"No, no!" Sunista shouts as tears begin to flow from her eyes.

As Sunista cries the room becomes eerily silent. Like to the point where you could hear a mouse skit across the floor.

"Dad, Dad, Dad!" Sunista cries

Sunista runs away from the ballroom. She ditches her white heels like that of a snake shedding its skin. Running away, running further and farther away from it all. The princess eventually makes it to her room in the castle. The princess doesn't even notice that her formal wear that she has on is damp like that of a freshly soaked rag.

"Princess?" A voice calls out into her room. The voice repeats what it just said and enters the room.

Entering the room, the person called out turns out to be Asile. Asile is wearing her maid's outfit which is darkly colored and is holding a broom in hand.

The Love of Sunista (DRAFT + UNFINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now